Thursday, December 28, 2006


I've been sick that last few days and I'm tired of it. My body hurts, I can't think straight, and really, how much mucus can the body produce?

Monday, December 18, 2006

99 Strange Photos From 2006

Slideshow of the 99 strangest photos of 2006; great way to make sure you didn't miss all the weird news out there.

read more | digg story

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Something To Fill the Void

I know I haven't written much lately; been busy.

Julie and I are doing just fine. Christmas is approaching and we are trying to get everything together for that. One of the big things we are doing is sending out Christmas cards (which are doubling as engagement announcements). Hopefully we will get those out in the next couple of days.

Work is going well too. We've been busy trying to clean up the mess that's been left here. We are almost back to normal as we move into the slow season. I'm hopefully going to get some time to work on the website and the couple of programs I've been trying to start up.

Not much else to say right now. I'll keep everyone posted.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Things You Can Do Instead of Buying A PS3

This post is both hilarious and eye opening. It lists a few things you can do instead of picking up a PS3, and if you're parent that actually wants to teach your children something this holiday season, gives some great advice.

read more | digg story

Planning A Wedding

It's not THAT hard planning a wedding when you are a wedding photographer. You make a lot of contacts in the industry. We've started to throw out some ideas for where the wedding and reception will be held. I think we've got out cake maker and photographer picked out already, along with the DJ. One of the challenges right now is figuring out a caterer. We want GOOD food, not wedding food. That doesn't come cheap.

I'm not sure why I never posted this... but I'm posting it now. :oP