I know a lot of people write "Top 5" lists, and this one is going to be no different. I play a lot of video games and this is just one way for me to look back, and see what kind of great games there were. It's important to note that this list consists of only games that I've played and completed. So while many other websites have given Red Dead Redemption their "Game of the Year" award, it's still sitting unopened on my shelf, waiting to be played. With that out of the way, let's jump in!
#5. Limbo (Xbox 360) |
Limbo is less of a game and more of a dark, twisted fairy tale. The mood, the environment, the story all make Limbo special. While the gameplay is enjoyable, it's not Limbo's strongest point. It succeeds in drawing the player into it's world and not letting go. The game is short; about 3-4 hours your first time through, but every minute is engaging and exciting.
#4. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Xbox 360) |
Not only was the movie amazing, but the game gives
Bryan Lee O'Malley's creation another great adaptation.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is an old-school throwback game. It's brings back memories of
River City Ransom,
Double Dragon, and the
Final Fight series. It's a beat 'em up in the purest sense of the word. Great characters, great music, and great gameplay.
#3. Halo: Reach (Xbox 360) |
What can be said about
Halo: Reach? It's
Bungie's crowning achievement in the Halo franchise. Unfortunately, the single player campaign didn't have the impact that previous games in the series had. I don't know if it was Reach's more serious tone, the characters, or it's lack of
epicness, but it didn't quite live up to the previous games. Regardless, it's still an amazing game and I cannot wait to see what
Bungie does next; post Halo.
#2. Bayonetta (Xbox 360) |
Yeah, yeah, it's a game about a witch who fights creatures from Heaven and whose clothing is comprised mainly of her own hair AND she doesn't even wear it for half the game, BUT you know what; it's fun! Sure, the story makes little to no sense and the humor is way over the top (and predictably Japanese), but the gameplay is pure
joy (pun intended). I can honestly say I haven't had as much fun playing a game this year then I did when playing
#1. Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) |
No one left behind! I have never felt the sense of achievement more than I did with
Mass Effect 2. While Bayonetta may have been the most fun I had, Mass Effect 2 was the most enjoyable experience, period.
BioWare has carefully molded and polished the Mass Effect universe into a REAL "choose-your-own-adventure" story. The experience I am having is MINE. I make the decisions, and because of that, the consequences are my own. If someone dies, it's my fault. You have to be the best that you can be, and for that, Mass Effect 2 is my game of the year.