Sunday, September 11, 2005

Vanilla Sky

Every time that I watch Vanilla Sky, it really pulls strings in me. A lot of people don't get the real message of the film. It's not about dreaming; it's not about science; and it's not about the risks of the future. It's about love.

The film's message, at least what I see, is about how true love can mean so much to one person that even in death, love is the most important thing in the world. It's a sad movie...

It's sad because, Sofia is the most important thing to him, but as he says in the end, "I'm frozen and you're dead, and I love you." You really feel for him that because of what has happened to him, he can't spend the rest of his life with his true love. That is sad.

I always think about that. The film means a lot to me because, well let's face it, I'm hopeless. Love is important to me, and I would live every moment just to be with the one I love. Even in death, I would want the same thing he had; a never ending dream, spending an eternity with the love of my life.

A lot of people take love and this movie for granted, and that's wrong.

I'm starting to ramble now, but I... I just... this film makes me want... THAT! That love, that feeling... I want MY Sofia...

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