Sunday, November 06, 2005

Questions With No Answers

I know what I want to write, but I don't know if I should. The title really says it all. I'm at a loss right now.

I want to improve myself. I need to stop drinking. I need to start eating better and exercising. I need to... um... stop doing some other things. I need to start budgeting my money better. I need to start working harder on both my school work and my teaching.

I need a change in my lifestyle.

Why am I saying all this? Well, to quote my friend Earl, "It's Karma. Do good things and good things will happen to you."

I feel that if I want to get the things out of life that I want, I need to start living a better life. That's not to say that I'm not a good person, but I really just want to start living a "healthier" life.

Maybe if I do that, I might just get some answers that I'm looking for...

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