I'm going to start blogging again about my random thoughts and observations; hoping to give myself a bit of a creative outlet for my head. I know it's been almost two years since my last blog post, but it's been a busy two years. I got married, bought a house, and have had four different jobs. But now, things are starting to slow down and become more organized, meaning I might just have the time to sit down and write once in a while.
I've got about five topics I want to hit on, but I don't think I'm going to try and write about them all at once; space them out a little.
First up, I finally just finished playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune after purchasing the game back in September. The game is pretty good; that much can be said. I got about half way through the game, and then just stopped (something else probably came along). Anyway, after being sick recently, I felt the need to pick the game up again and finish it.
The game play is fun; the story is great; the presentation is amazing (that's the part that gets me). Everything about this game screams "summer blockbuster movie." It's a popcorn game.
The controls are a little loose (although, after picking up the game several months later, I found it to play a lot tighter, so who knows).
My biggest grip with the game comes near the end when, for lack of a better phrase, the game "jumps the shark."
SPOILER ALERT (In case you don't know, this means "stop reading" if you haven't finished the game)
The whole game never goes too far into the unbelievable until it turns out that the treasure you're on the hunt for is cursed and turns people into zombie, demon, vampire things; the game has just become Resident Evil.
Don't get me wrong, it didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the game, but it certainly threw me back a bit. If you look at it in the context of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, or even the Mummy films, it fits right in, but for game that doesn't even hint at something like this until the very end; it seems very out of place.
This could have easily been avoided had the developers thrown in a boss or two. I mean, where's the giant spider boss? Come on people, you can't have a game that has you searching ancient ruins and NOT have a giant spider boss.
Anyway, the game is good. I enjoyed it very much and can't wait for the sequel. If you play games and have a PS3, I suggest giving it a shot.
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