Sunday, March 22, 2009

Early Sunday, Been Meaning To Post

I know it's been a few weeks since, I've written, but I've been slightly busy. I actually have three posts already written and saved, but I figured I'd save those until a time when I have absolutely nothing to blog about.

I am writing this early on a Sunday morning. Why am I not sleeping in, you might ask? We'll, little Moya starting barking this morning and woke me up. This doesn't happen often, she is usually pretty good. Moya is a German Shepard, so when she barks, you know.

She got fixed this past Friday, so we've been watching over her to make sure she's okay. Our biggest concern is that she has a tendency to have A LOT of energy. She loves playing with D'Argo, running around chasing her tail (which I think she's doing right now), and getting into mischief. The last thing we want is for her to pop a stitch. The vet said she should be completely good to go again within 3-5 days.

I went to the eye doctor yesterday because my eyes have started to bother me (why else would I go). Not really surprising, they say I need glasses. I am told that I have astigmatism in just my left eye, which causes a lot of strain on my right eye. And my right eye is slightly near-sighted. So, I about a week or so, I'll have to start wearing glasses.

As a short note, I am starting to like Dollhouse more. Now that they are getting into the story behind it all, it's becoming more interesting and making me want to come back for more. Sure, everyone on the cast are from other shows and Dushku can't really act, but the story is getting really good.

And finally, the Battlestar Galactica series finale. WTF? The show is great, and in general, I have no issues with how they ended it, but really...


The answer to all the burning questions everyone has wanted to know it is God? Really? Starbuck is an angel? The visions everyone sees are from God and the angels? Come on now! I know the show is science fiction and that religion plays a lot into the mythos, but to blatantly lay it out that everything that happened was because of God is a little far fetched, even for science fiction.

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