Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Impressions - Super Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

I suck.

I haven’t picked up a “Street Fighter” game in years and now I’m paying the price. While the game is fun and brings back memories of old, I can’t help but feel like it’s going to take a lot of work to relearn what I once used to know.

365 Update

I know I haven’t posted too many pictures recently, but I’m still taking them. Going to try and get an update done tonight.

I’m finding that as I continue with this project, I’m taking MORE than one picture at a time. I’ll shot my one picture, but then I’ve got my camera in my hand, so I shoot a little more.

I guess this is the ultimate goal of the project, right?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Final Thoughts - Assassin’s Creed (Xbox 360)

This game blows.

It’s slow, repetitive, and boring. There are literally only FOUR things you can do in this game. And after you do these same four things for 10+ hours, I want to pull my hair out. You can ask my wife; I was at my wits end!

Go play the second game…

Sunday, April 04, 2010

First Impressions - Assassin’s Creed (Xbox 360)

After the first reviews came out, I decided to pass on Assassin’s Creed. When the second game came out and got amazing reviews, I picked it up and thought it was a great game. Seeing as how I know enjoyed the series, I picked up the first game, only to find that it is… boring.

I am about 1/3 of the way through the game, and so far there are only four… FOUR things you can do. You either climb tall buildings, save civilians, collect flags, or assassinate people. The first three you do a couple HUNDRED times and the last you do 9 times. Boring.

First Impressions - The 11th Doctor


I was afraid I wouldn’t be a fan of Doctor Who after David Tennant left, but after watching the series 5 premiere, those doubts are gone. Matt Smith is going to make a great Doctor.

First Impressions and Final Thoughts

I am a big fan of all things media; music, books, videogames, films and television. While I believe that reviews are subjective, my believe is strong in that the way you feel when you first see something and the feeling you have when it’s all said and done count for a lot.

That’s why, I’m going to start a little mini-review of various things I come across. Whether it’s a new game I’ve just started playing, a new TV show I’ve started watching, or maybe even a new gadget I just bought. These are not going to be long-winded posts going into every detail, but more quick thoughts, seeing how I feel about something at the beginning, and how I feel once it’s done.

I’m going to throw a few out today, but continue to look for more in the future.