Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can It Be!? A Hot Tub Time Machine!?

Sadly, no.  But Julie and I did have a great time this past weekend.  We headed down towards Indy to see our friends Sam, Mandy, Andrew, and Brianna.  It was an evening full of food, drinks, laughing, and oh yes, hot-tubing, thanks to our hosts Andrew and Brianna.  They were kind enough to open their home, and hot tub, to us.

The great thing about a hot tub is that it is a year-round activity.  While the temperature dropped to a cold 17 degrees, with rain, sleet, ice, and finally snow, the hot tub stayed a nice 104 degrees and made for an awesome good time.  We did not end up traveling back to the 1980's, but we did reminisce about the past; the great times we had and hopefully the good times to come.

Now the questions arises; when will Julie and I give in, and buy our own hot tub?  Hmmm...

1 comment:

KittyMarie said...

Good times with friends are the best! Especially with the upcoming holidays!