Thursday, December 09, 2010

I Think I'm Going To Start Blogging Again

Yeah, I think so.

It's been a while since I've actively blogged and I've been feeling the itch to write.  There a lot I want to talk about, review, chronicle, and give my thoughts on; in more than 140 characters.

Blogging was a great outlet back in grad school and now that I find myself in the day-to-day grid of a full time job, it gives me a chance to think about something OTHER than work.  It's not going to be a daily thing, but I will try to update frequently.

I tried using tumblr as my blogging platform this past summer, and while I liked the service, blogger is simply a more powerful blogging tool (duh).  So I'm back here and starting anew.  The archives are intact; everything from the past 5 years is there for you to see (although it looks like I didn't write anything in 2008, must have been a busy year).  Game on!

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