Friday, September 29, 2006

Blogging To Blog About Stuff

I should be in the shower getting ready for work, but instead I figured I'd give everyone an update out there.

Let's see...

I am working full-time now (and by full-time, I mean more like 50 hours a week, give or take). It feel good to actually have a job to go to everyday. I'm doing something that I enjoy and I'm making money. There's a LOT of work to be done, that's for sure, but the more that I'm doing it, the more I'm learning how to manage my workflow and get things done. I like that.

The apartment is still not unpacked yet, but by the time I get home and settled, it's like 9:00 and I'm not motivated to get anything done. I'm going to have this weekend to get some work done, so we'll see how much unpacking I can get done.

My car is dying... actually, it's more like she's dead but zombified. She's moving around and everything, but the first chance she would get she'd eat your brain. Poor Winona isn't going to last much longer, but now that I have a full-time job, I can afford a new car! Well, not really a NEW car, but something nicer then what I have. The guy I'm working for has some contacts in the auto industry and is having them seek me something out. I'm in the market for a newer, used Honda Civic. I've seen a couple online that I'm looking into and my payments would only be like $100-150 a month, which isn't too bad. The insurance might be my online problem though...

We went and saw Nickel Creek last night. Let's just say it was freakin' awesome! They really know how to put on a show. They played for a good two and a half hours. The encore was about 45 minutes as is. Whew! After the show, we got some autographs and talked to a couple of the members of the band. If you get a chance, you should take a listen. They're really good and know how to use humor in their music as well. You can't beat a band who knows how to make fun of itself.

I'm going to end there because I'm sure there is a lot more to say, but like I said, I need to get ready for work.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Some Kind of Title... Or Something

I thought I should update while I have a free minute. Things are going well but I'm still busy as ever. In fact, I'm going to be even more busy in the coming weeks. If you thought it was hard getting a hold of me now, wait until then.

I still have a little bit of moving left; pretty much just my stuff that is left at Robin's house. I think I'm going to start going over there after I leave work and grab a couple of things everyday this week. It was our goal to be done by the 23rd and I think it's possible but I need to get moving on getting my stuff.

I'm in the process of doing a couple of things, both work and personal related. Keep checking back for details as soon as I'm further along. I will tell you that is involves my photography work. I still trying to figure out what I want to do with my website, but for now it's going to remain a placeholder.

I am going to have a big update to my Flickr account soon, at least in the next couple of days. I haven't dumped my pictures off my cell phone in a good while. I'm also going to start putting up bits of my work on there. Well, maybe not the final pieces, but "process" pieces. I don't know yet, we'll see (that's one of the things I'm working on).

Kind of backtracking, but I wanted to say that the new apartment is looking good. We still have a few things to get and a few things to unpack, but it's really taking shape. It's starting to feel like home...

I like that...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

How Things Are Going

Just a quick update while I have a few minutes before work...

We're moved into the new apartment (well, for the most part). It's really nice! It's large and we have a lot of space (although the living room is a bit of a challenge). There are still a few more large things to get moved of mine, plus we are going to be buying a few things too. We have set a deadline for getting the place completely done; that date being September 23rd.

It's out goal to have everything done by then. This weekend will be a good time to get most of that done. I've been working a lot this week; going in early and getting home late. Not a whole lot of time to get things done.

Next week should be slower which will give me time to unpack. We haven't had any major problems with the place yet; so that's good.

Work has been interesting. I've been doing a lot of different things and my list keeps getting longer. I'm learning a lot and that's good for me. We are trying to an education program up and running by November. This is going to give me a chance to keep teaching without the need to be a Purdue. Plus, I'm in charge of the syllabus; I'm teaching photography the way photography should be taught.



I'll have before and after pictures of the new apartment soon, probably on Flickr. Keep checking back.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Today Is the Day

We're moving to our new apartment today!


If you need updated contact information from me, just ask and I'll let you know. Send me an email.

Have a great day!