Thursday, September 14, 2006

How Things Are Going

Just a quick update while I have a few minutes before work...

We're moved into the new apartment (well, for the most part). It's really nice! It's large and we have a lot of space (although the living room is a bit of a challenge). There are still a few more large things to get moved of mine, plus we are going to be buying a few things too. We have set a deadline for getting the place completely done; that date being September 23rd.

It's out goal to have everything done by then. This weekend will be a good time to get most of that done. I've been working a lot this week; going in early and getting home late. Not a whole lot of time to get things done.

Next week should be slower which will give me time to unpack. We haven't had any major problems with the place yet; so that's good.

Work has been interesting. I've been doing a lot of different things and my list keeps getting longer. I'm learning a lot and that's good for me. We are trying to an education program up and running by November. This is going to give me a chance to keep teaching without the need to be a Purdue. Plus, I'm in charge of the syllabus; I'm teaching photography the way photography should be taught.



I'll have before and after pictures of the new apartment soon, probably on Flickr. Keep checking back.

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