Since I'm batching a whole bunch of photos right now at work, I thought I'd take this time and write a little in this long forgotten blog of mine.
I've been meaning to write some things for a while now, but where is the time? That seems to be the thing right now in my life; I'm too friggin' busy. A lot has been going on, so much so that I don't think I can remember it all.
The biggest thing, well, ALMOST the biggest thing ;o) ... I got a new car! I know... FINALLY. I know all you people out there were Winona haters, but she was a good car to me. Sure, she had problems. A LOT of problems, but she got me from point "A" to point "B" almost always. I have to thank her for that. She is gone now, but not fogotten.
I'd like everyone to meet Donut (before the "blue spider"... wink wink, nudge nudge). This is my new car! w00t! He's a 1998 Honda CR-V LX. The history on this guy is that he had one previous owner who took pretty good care of him; regular mantinence, garage kept, low mileage, and so on. The original tag was $9,995.00 but I was able to talk them down to $7,700.00. I put $1,500.00 down and my monthly payments end up around $190.00. Not too bad. The car is in great shape and drives amazingly well. I've never had a car this nice.
I'm in the process of restoring the paint job to near perfect condition. It's not a hard process, but it takes a little time, and cooperating weather. I got the hood done in a little over an hour, but the entire process for the car could take about 4 or 5 hours. You can really tell the difference when you get up close. The feeling is also a big indicator. The "before" feels a little bit like sand-paper and the restored surface feels like glass. It's pretty amazing.
So far most of the miles driven on the new car have been to work and back. I plan on getting some road trips in soon. We went to Indy this past Sunday, watched some football, and had a cookout of sorts. It was a good time and gave me a chance to unwind a little from work and being in Lafayette.
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