Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Autobiography

  • Where did you take your default pic? At the installation space
  • What exactly are you wearing right now? Grey t-shirt, jeans, watch, sweat band, boxers
  • What is your current problem? Need to find a job
  • What makes you most happy? LBE
  • What's the name of the song that you're listening to? No music right now
  • Any celeb you would marry? Don't need a a celebrity, I've got all that I need
  • Name someone with the same birthday as you? Chelsea Clinton
  • Ever sang in front of a large audience? Don't think so, at least not by myself
  • Has anyone said you look like a celebrity? Yes, Edward Norton/John Cusack
  • Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddy TV shows? Yes
  • Do you speak any other languages? Very little Japanese
  • Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Yes
  • Do you ever watch MTV? No
Chapter 1:
  • What's something that really annoys you? Bad drivers
  • Nickname(s)? Big Red
  • Current location? West Lafayette, sitting on my couch
  • Eye color? Brown
Chapter 2:
  • Do you live with your parents? No
  • Do you get along with your parents? Yes
  • Are your parents married/separated/divorced? None of the above
  • Do you have any Siblings? 3 brothers, 2 sisters
Chapter 3: Favorites
  • Ice cream flavor? It's ice cream, it's all good
  • Season? Fall
  • Shampoo/conditioner? Pert Plus
Chapter 4: Do You...
  • Dance in the shower? No
  • Write on your hand? Sometimes
  • Call people back? Sometimes, when I notice that I've gotten a call
  • Believe in love? HELL YES
  • Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Most of the time
  • Have any bad habits? Every has SOME bad habits, but I can't name one specifically
Chapter 5:
  • Broken a bone? Yes
  • Sprained stuff? Yes
  • Had physical therapy? No
  • Gotten stitches? Yes
  • Taken a pain killer? Yes
  • Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling? Not yet, but that would be awesome
  • Been stung by a bee? Um, who hasn't?
  • Thrown up at the dentist? No
  • Sworn in front of your parents? Yes
  • Had detention? Yes
  • Been sent to the principal's office? I don't think so, but maybe
  • Been called a hoe? Yeah
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
  • Movie (s) you saw? I don't know, it's been a while. Blue Streak was on TV the other day...
  • Person to text you? Person to call you? Person you hugged? Person you tackled? LBE
  • Thing you touched? Keyboard
  • Thing you ate? Strawberry Yogurt
  • Thing you drank? Water
  • Thing you said? I'm sitting here alone, so I'm not talking. I laughed at the TV...
  • Friends you consider really close to you? They know who they are

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