Sunday, October 30, 2005

*Blowing Wind Out My Mouth

I'm bored.

I don't REALLY have a whole lot to do. Yes, I know I need to work on my installation, but I will finish that up tomorrow. I'm in a bit of a funk right now. I want to go out and do something, but I'm not motivated enough to get up and do something about it.

I'm lazy.

To top it all off, I have to be up in the morning as usual, so I need to get to bed soon. I hate trying to sleep when I feel like this. It takes me forever to finally get to sleep, and then I feel like I wasted all of that trying to get to sleep when I could have been doing something.

I'm not tired.

I guess I'll just do what I usually do. Drink a beer, lie in bed, and wait until morning.

I'm pathetic.

So That Sucks

Who would have thought that sanding the wall BEFORE painting would have been a bad thing?

It's turns out that the wall that I'm working with in the installation space has so many layers of paint that it would have been better to have just left it on there. I sanded it down the best that I thought I could have, but nope, as I started painting, the previous layers started to peel away, making my wall look like shit.

I'm hoping that once I get the second, and probably even thirds coats done, it won't look bad, otherwise this could be a big-time "oops."

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Edited For TV

I hate is when movies are edited for TV. I'm watching "Scary Movie" right now, and they have cut out all the good part, even the ones that deal with moving the plot forward. How is someone supposed to follow the movie if they have never seen the unedited version? It's freakin' annoying. I'm almost tempting to put the movie in and watch it... that is... if I really cared about the movie, because lets face it...

Scary Movie is lame...

Some People Will Work, Some People Will Not

  1. ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes
  3. DID YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Not really, but that's alright
  6. WHO'S THE LAST PERSON YOU KISSED? Kissed in what way?
  8. WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? My fingerprints
  10. FAVORITE HANGOUT? Pete's :o(
  11. 3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? My computer, my camera, and love
  14. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Dying alone
  16. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Dan the man, hot photo TA, dork
  20. FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL? I really like the Capital One commercials where the fat guy keeps getting abused by David Spade... those are great
  21. FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE? Assuming there are no people or animals around... my computer with my MP3 collection on it
  22. YOUR EYE COLOR? Brown
  23. WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS BRING? Wallet, watch, keys, cell phone
  24. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO WHEN THE CLOCK TURNS 7 AM? Get up and get in the shower
  25. THE COLOR OF YOUR BEDSHEET? Black, white, and gold... Purdue colors
  26. WHO DO YOU WANT TO MEET? That's tough...
  27. HOW'S LIFE TODAY? Fine at the moment, but I know it's going to get worse by the end of the day. Damn installation...

Monday, October 24, 2005

I Can't Sleep

I know it's only like 12, but I have to be awake in about 6 hours, and I can't sleep. There is a lot on my mind right now and I can't stop thinking about it, thus, preventing the sleep that I so want right now.

I finished grading my first classes midterm today and all I can say is "ouch." It is painful how badly they did. I feel horrible. I can't decide whether to give them a chance to make it up or just let it be how it is. I mean, if they didn't study, then it's their fault for doing so poorly, but at the same time, I never went over the reading material in class with them on any kind of "deep" level, so I might be at fault too.

I'm also worrying about the installation piece that opens in less then two weeks. I have to help with promotion on top of actually getting the work up and going. It's going to come together, I know it will, but I can't help but feel stressed out about it.

Karen's class is like the one thing I'm NOT worried about. I feel like I have a strong idea working there, and my shooting is starting to come together. Plus, I know Karen, and she will like anything I do. Hell, she gave me an "A" in a class where she never even saw my final project.

I don't know if I'm looking forward to the semester ending or not. I've had a good semester, and I think next semester will be fun too, but I'm afraid of what next semester (and following semesters as well) hold for me in teaching. I don't want to teach 3D Design for the next two years, but I feel that may be the case. I want to teach. I want to teach photography. If things turn out like I think they might, is it really worth staying at Purdue?

See, this is why I can't sleep...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Web Art, I Think

I just came across this site. I think it's a web art project, but I could be mistaken. It could be some kind of new viral marketing thing. It's interesting, check it out...

EDIT: Make sure you scroll around, and have your pop-up blockers turned off.

read more | digg story

Friday, October 21, 2005



p.s. This is on TV right now...

It's Raining, For Like... EVER

So it's suppose to rain everyday for then next week. Ain't that great!?

I've got a lot of grading to do this weekend, and I still need to get working on my installation. I will hopefully be picking up my projector on Monday morning, that way I can start working to see if my idea is going to work at all. It's going to be an older projector, but I still think it should work out, we'll see.

I am also going to work more on my sign language project early next week as well. I have a new model who should work out for getting me some stronger images. I am confident in this idea turning out the way I want it, and there isn't a whole lot of work left to do.

I did a really good job on my midterm journal thing for 494T. I got a 58 out of 60, which is awesome because I was really worrying about that class after we turned in our first paper. I guess is wasn't such a bad thing to ask Elizabeth to be on my committee. w00t!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Oh Yeah...

I finally found my pocket knife! WooHoo!!!

I Hate Art

Then why am I in art school?

It's not that I hate art, but I do get fed-up with the notion that art has to have thousands of levels of deeper meaning. Why can't art be simple in it's concept? This has always been my biggest issue with the art world; it's not good unless means something.

The piece that I am working on for installation is simple: a video projection played back on a wall. There's not a whole lot to it. The concept is simple too: restoring a wall to perfect condition. That's it. I presented this idea to my class tonight, and my teacher pretty much shot it down, just like every other idea that I've told him. I don't know what to do to make this guy happy. Every idea that I've given him, he always says the same thing, "That's interesting."

Give me some real feedback!

I get that he wants me to think about my ideas, but once I have an idea that I like, I usually like to follow through with it. I don't want to change it just because someone thinks it needs more "thinking through." If the idea is going to change, it's going to happen in the process of doing it, not during the planning stages. I don't know about other artists, but that's how I work.

I come up with an idea, begin work on it, and then finish it. If the idea changes, it's because of something that happened during the actual creation of the work, not in the planning stages. That is exactly what happened with my first idea (well, second idea, he killed my first one).

I presented this idea about using sound to illustrate the same idea common with photography; stopping a moment in time. I was going to present photographs with their "sound equivalent." He liked the idea, but he started dissecting it, getting rid of the photography aspect all together. Fine, I can deal with that. Then, he started to think that I need to bring outside sounds into the space that react with it. Ok, he's pushing it a little, but I'll see where it's going. Finally, he thought I need to find a way to relate the sound to specific pieces of the wall within the space.

Come on!

It went from a simple concept to something that I just didn't think was interesting anymore. So, I went to the space to try and come up with a new idea, and I did. It's something that I think would be really interesting and makes sense...

Not to him, he's already trying to change it around to try and make it something different. Changing the scale of the piece, placing it in different areas, etc. Grrrr!

I had told people about my idea in class earlier, and they all seemed to like it. But after he talked about it, there seemed to be a shift in opinion. Now I feel like I need to come up with yet ANOTHER idea.

This class is really pissing my off...

Monday, October 17, 2005

I Had A Cool Title For This Post, But I Forgot It

The weather is nice, although I could see my breath this morning, which indicated that it MIGHT have been just a little too cold.

I don't know why I'm writing anything right now; I don't have much to say. My mind is a complete blank, but I'm compelled to write something.

Viral marketing campaign.

Doesn't make much sense, does it? Microsoft has been doing a lot of these lately to hype their products, specifically Halo 2 and the Xbox 360. These are cleaver ways of getting people involved in the process of advertising. ILOVEBEES was the first they did for Halo 2, and there have been several others since them. It was cool at first, but it has lost a lot of it's interest now that EVERYONE is doing it.

So there was something. Purdue lost again. This season is basically over. I doubt we will make it to a bowl game. We would have to win all of the rest of our games to even be qualified, let alone invited to one. I guess the streak is over.

I think my idea for my installation class is really coming together. The idea that I had involving sound wasn't going where I wanted it to, so I trashed the idea and started fresh. The piece that I'm working on now deals more with the actual, physical space and not so much the history of it. If I can get it to come out right, it could be really... neat. But if it looks sloppy, then I'll have lost the appeal. Here's to hoping I can pull it off!

Feng Shui

Ai, ai, ai.

It's strange. I don't know why, but it's strange. It's happening right now. Am I dreaming? Is this really happening?

Maybe it's all true; all of it. One thing is for certain; it happened. Now comes the time that I have to ask myself a question. What do I do next? Is there even anything to do?

This entry is cryptic. There is a lot of meaning behind, but very little at the same time. This is all in my head. I'm thinking again. Too much thinking leads to bad endings. Maybe I work off of instinct?

How do I take the next step?

I'll sleep on it, maybe the answer will come to me. Goodnight.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


My students are freaking out about the midterm, so I'm opening the lab for them to get some work done... RIGHT NOW!


I'm bored because I'm here when I should be at home. Blah.

YAY for teaching... right?

Friday, October 14, 2005


I don't care what anybody says, but I'm hot! And I don't mean the attractive like. I mean the temperature kind of hot. I am sweating in my apartment and that sucks. It's hard to sleep when you're hot, so I'm trying to cool down.

I have finally caught up with all my work and I'm taking this weekend to sit back and relax. Sure, there IS stuff I could be doing, but it's not due anytime soon, and I think I deserve a break.

I'll probably spend a good amount of time working on the website and so forth. It needs to get done and the longer that I put it off, I know I'm not going to finish it.

Ok, that's all for now, trying to cool off.

Stay cool!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Procrastination Hack: �(10+2)*5�

A great system for tricking your mind into actually working. Great for all the bored cubicle workers out there.

read more | digg story

Monday, October 10, 2005

I Need To Blog

I woke up this morning, and I feel weird. I don't know what it is, but something seems out of place. Could it be the whole Facebook thing with my students? Or is it the project I'm working on for installation? Maybe it's the pile of work sitting in front of me that I don't want to work on?

I don't know, it could be many things. It could be that I've spent my break so far NOT working on anything. I've all but scrapped my installation idea. I'm not happy with where it is going, so I'M going back to the drawing board. I may spend some time in the installation space today to try and get some new ideas. I haven't picked up any of the reading material that I should be reading; too many words. I haven't written any of my other three journal entries, let alone going back and revising the old ones.

I guess I did wake up this morning and grade my classes work. That's something, right? I was going to work on my website this weekend and get that set up completely, but so far nothing has come from that. I'm in a slump right now and I need to get motivated.


I don't know what to do...

I'm So Awesome... Right?

So I was browsing Facebook tonight, and look at what I found...

Originally uploaded by therealdriverx.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Art Is Difficult

I'm not sure about my installation. The idea I started with is now far from what I imagined. It's not that I don't like the idea as it stands now, but it's not exactly jumping out at me. There is still time to tweak it, but I need to talk with Charles about the tweaking and see if I can get ANYTHING out of him (he isn't to helpful in the idea department).

A couple of things happened this week. Robin got a new kitty which I met today. Her name is Dot and she is ugly. :oP She's not really, but she sure is tiny. I think she is only about a month old, which explains why she is so small.

The other thing that happened today was that Robin lost her job. The laboratory she was working at closed. That sucks. They didn't even give any of the employees any kind of notice. Today at work, she walked in, they told her that the lab was closing and that today was her last day. That is such shit! She's been trying to get a job at Purdue as a research assistant, which she pretty much got, there is just a matter of doing some paperwork, which is going slowly, but hopefully she will be working again soon.

Fall break started today, and I really want to use this time to catch up on a lot of work. I have a lot to read, a lot to write, and a lot of projects to get moving on.

I guess there is one good thing right now... the weather sure is nice!

Monday, October 03, 2005


You've probably noticed the post below by now. We had to put down my dog Kara this last Friday. She had cancer and we didn't want her to suffer any longer. We've had Kara since I was in 5th grade, so it's been a good long while. She will be missed.

I am going to Chicago tomorrow for the annual field trip here at Purdue. Of course, I've started getting sick today. Isn't that just my luck? I'm hoping that if I take something tonight, I'll feel better tomorrow and it won't be so bad.

We're having our first critique this week for my graduate photo class. I haven't started on anything yet. I better get to work. I'm still not sure what I would like to do, whether it be the "sign language" project, or something else. I thought it would be easier to combined my installation course and the photography course by making a whole piece and then dividing it between the two classes, but the more that I think about it, the more I don't want to do that.

Other things that make me sad right now is the fact that next semester I won't be teaching photography; I'll be teaching 3-D design. Why, you might ask? Well, there are only two sections of photo being offered next semester, and the other TA gets priority because she has never taken any design course. I, on the other hand, took A&D 105 while I was here, so you know that means I can teach A&D 106, 3-D design. Yeah... that makes sense.

I have never done ANYTHING with 3-D. How the hell am I suppose to TEACH a class how to work with the concepts if I don't even understand them? Guess we'll find out.

My poor, poor students...