Friday, October 21, 2005

It's Raining, For Like... EVER

So it's suppose to rain everyday for then next week. Ain't that great!?

I've got a lot of grading to do this weekend, and I still need to get working on my installation. I will hopefully be picking up my projector on Monday morning, that way I can start working to see if my idea is going to work at all. It's going to be an older projector, but I still think it should work out, we'll see.

I am also going to work more on my sign language project early next week as well. I have a new model who should work out for getting me some stronger images. I am confident in this idea turning out the way I want it, and there isn't a whole lot of work left to do.

I did a really good job on my midterm journal thing for 494T. I got a 58 out of 60, which is awesome because I was really worrying about that class after we turned in our first paper. I guess is wasn't such a bad thing to ask Elizabeth to be on my committee. w00t!

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