The weather is nice, although I could see my breath this morning, which indicated that it MIGHT have been just a little too cold.
I don't know why I'm writing anything right now; I don't have much to say. My mind is a complete blank, but I'm compelled to write something.
Viral marketing campaign.
Doesn't make much sense, does it? Microsoft has been doing a lot of these lately to hype their products, specifically Halo 2 and the Xbox 360. These are cleaver ways of getting people involved in the process of advertising. ILOVEBEES was the first they did for Halo 2, and there have been several others since them. It was cool at first, but it has lost a lot of it's interest now that EVERYONE is doing it.
So there was something. Purdue lost again. This season is basically over. I doubt we will make it to a bowl game. We would have to win all of the rest of our games to even be qualified, let alone invited to one. I guess the streak is over.
I think my idea for my installation class is really coming together. The idea that I had involving sound wasn't going where I wanted it to, so I trashed the idea and started fresh. The piece that I'm working on now deals more with the actual, physical space and not so much the history of it. If I can get it to come out right, it could be really... neat. But if it looks sloppy, then I'll have lost the appeal. Here's to hoping I can pull it off!
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