Thursday, May 05, 2005

Things Are Starting To Come Together

My life seems to be getting back on track. I've gotten two jobs. The one job is a part-time position as the HSSE library doing some sort of "special project" involving filing EVERY book in the library. I don't really have to do much other then scan books in a computer, so it won't be too hard. The job is Monday through Friday, 8 am to 10 am, only two hours a day. Cheryl, one of my professors, is going to be gone during the summer, and he's going to let me use her "A" parking pass. I'm glad she offered that because otherwise I'd have to find parking somewhere on the street, and most street parking is only two hours. I don't really feel like cutting it that close.

The other job I found is basically freelance. I'm going to be assisting at some weddings this summer with Image Source Photography. The two guys who run the place used to work at Berry's Camera Shop, but now own the studio. They seem cool and it should be fun working with them.

I went to dinner last night with my professor from the upcoming year. It was a good 'ol time. I think I really got and idea about how the department is. I saw a side of my professor that I hadn't REALLY seen before. Grad school is going to be great, and I can't wait to be fully part of the program. I'm actually getting together with them again on Monday for lunch. They are going to be grading this year's 117 work, and they asked me to come so I could get and idea of what I'll be doing once school starts. It will also give me a chance to see how projects are actually graded. And what I mean by that is; is the grading bias; is it more subjective or objective; what are good qualities in the work, what are the bad, etc. I'm really looking forward to it as well.

I have an interview today at 4:00 with JC Penny's photography studio. I don't really want to work there, but it's money. I kind of want to know what the pay is like before I really consider taking that job, although it's still just an interview as of now.

And finally, I want to talk about Star Wars. I am a HUGE Star Wars geek, so the next couple of weeks are going to be VERY exciting. In case you didn't know, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith comes out on May 19th.

Advertisement have started and things are getting into full swing. Everything I've been hearing so far suggest that this is going to be the best of the newer films. I never really had a problem with Episode I or II, but a lot of people didn't enjoy them. I kind of don't know how the public is going to receive Episode III. From what I can tell, it's going to be a VERY dark film. It's the first Star Wars film to be rated PG-13 (the others all being PG). I think a lot of the die-hard fans will appreciate the extra amount of "maturity" put into the film to warrant such a rating, but I think parents with younger children might be turned away. My brother Roger plans on taking his three children to see the movie when it comes out. They are 6, 8, and 11 years old. I told him it might not be the best thing for them to see, but he thinks they can handle it.

When I say the film is dark, I mean IT IS DARK. It's dark to the point where 10 years ago it might have received an "R" rating. I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy it, and I can't wait for it to come out. I bough the soundtrack for it on Tuesday, and it is excellent. It's very dramatic from start to finish. I really think, just in the score, that John Williams really captured the mood of Episode III perfectly. I haven't even seen the film yet, but if the soundtrack is any indication, this film is going to rock!

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