Friday, September 30, 2005



Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm Happy

I'm really tired right now. I spent the last three hours doing some serious cleaning of the gallery space for my installation class. Damn, I'm in pain.

I was driving today, listening to some music when I realized that I'm happy with what I'm doing now. I started thinking back to the whole Muncie thing, and how miserable I was. I look at where I am now, and I'm happy.

I have a job that I like. I'm doing the work that I want to do, making the "art" that I want to make, it's very good right now.

There are always things that I wish were different, but sometimes I can't change that.

I've been working my ass off, more-so then I did in Muncie, and yet I'm happy. It just goes to show how much doing something you enjoy can really make life meaningful.

The post tonight is not going to be as long as the last few have, simply because I am DAMN tired, and I want to go to bed.

Goodnight to you...

Monday, September 26, 2005

So Help Me

Another weekend gone, and I am sad. These last few weeks have been going by REAL fast. I don't like that. My work week is only four days, so I have a three-day weekend every week. That's cool, right? But it's going by so fast that it doesn't feel like I even get time to relax. I have so much work to do, the sad thing is though, I'm not getting my work done. I mean, I get ENOUGH of it done, but there is so much more I should be doing.

For example, while I did clean my apartment, got some grading done and bought the book I needed for my installation class, there were ten other things I should have done as well. The list could go on forever, but a few examples include; buying groceries, writing one of my many papers, reading one of my many books, working on one of my many projects, etc. You get the idea.

I'm such a procrastinator. I always have been. I get everything done, but not until the lost moment. In my defense, I usually do better work under pressure, but I know that's no justification.

I'm starting to redesign my website around the new look of my blog. It's coming along okay I guess. They don't REALLY look the same, but close enough. I'm still trying to tweak it a little bit more before it's final. I'm going to redo the gallery as well. The way I have it set up isn't working for me. I want it to be nicer, so I'm looking into better ways of displaying it.

Tomorrow is going to be busy. At least, as long as I get off my ass and do some work. Teaching, class, and more class, and don't forget reading, and more reading, and some writing on top of that. Oh yeah, we are also cleaning the installation space all night tomorrow as well. I'm going to be tired.

What else can I ramble on about? I'm sure there is something...

Purdue lost yesterday. That sucked. The Chargers won today. That rocks.

I added some more photos to Flickr. I also put a Flickr bar on the side that shows the five most recent images. So far I've only been putting my cell phone pics on there, but I am going to get around to putting ALL of my images on there, including my portfolio (hence the redesign of my gallery). That's going to be a long process which I probably won't get around to until fall break in about two weeks.

I'm sure you want me to shut up now, but there's a lot on my mind, and I can't afford therapy, and this is the next best thing.

I need to start working on some of my projects, but I'm still not sure what I want to do. I think for the installation class, I'm going to do the project involving sound and pictures. Charles seemed to like that idea, and it's something I've been wanting to work on for a while now and this seems to be the perfect forum.

The other project I'm thinking of involves sign language and the definition of art. It's an interesting idea I came up with about six months ago. There's just a couple of kinks involved. For one thing, I need a "model," someone who knows sign language and I can have access to their hands for a fair amount of time. Secondly, the project needs to be related to aesthetics because that is the "theme" of the photo class this semester. The images I would be taking have to be "beautiful."

I'm either going to use medium or large format. But, along with the images, I want to have a film that plays along with them. It's much more of a gallery piece then a simple project for a class, but I'm always thinking that way. I over think things, it's who I am.

The "Superman" theme is stuck in my head tonight. Maybe I can be a hero...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Movie: Short - "SPIN" via:

One of the most amazingly creative shorts I have ever seen. This is incredible! WATCH THIS NOW!

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Writing For the Sake of Writing

Here I am. Sitting in front of my computer, feeling the need to write something before I sleep. I don't know what, but something should come to mind as I type.

There are song stuck in my head, which means I'm going to be singing them all night. It's going to be hard getting to sleep.

Teaching is not hard. Not really anyway. School isn't hard either. Am I just not doing enough, because you would think it should be hard? Maybe things will get tougher later, but right now, not so much. I mean, it's not like I'm not busy... I don't have a whole lot of free time, but the times when I am doing stuff, it's not difficult work.

Elizabeth wants to show my senior project to the class. Crazy. She and I were discussing art related things, and for some reason I wanted her to see my film. After she watched it, she decided that she wanted the class to see it and do some work on it. Is that good? I don't know that I want the whole class to write a paper on MY film. That seems weird, especially since I sit next to these people and talk to them.

I know it sounds strange, but I don't like being put in the spotlight. It's hard not to be when you are the teacher, but when it comes to my own classes, I don't know that I like being singled-out. I'm sure most people feel the same way. I don't think that I'm more special then anyone else, but for Elizabeth to want to show my work and have the class write something on it... it does something to me. I want to be all happy and giddy inside, but I feel bad that I want to feel that way. Is that weird? I think it is.

I've always looked at helping people before myself. Who cares what my feelings are when the people around me don't feel the same way? That's is kind of how I live my life. I want the people around me to feel good, whether I'm happy or not. I know sometimes I should think about myself, but I do get satisfaction from the happiness of others. Life is complicated.

I wrote something for my installation class last week involving one of my favorite memories. I will put it in my portfolio section sometime soon so that everyone can read it. The funny thing was, my group decided to reenact MY memory in artistic expression. Talk about something funny to be a part of. I couldn't stop laughing because I felt so strange. You'll get a better idea of what I'm talking about when you read it. I'll try and get it up tomorrow maybe, assuming I have a few minutes between grading, reading, and writing.

Okay, I've said enough for now. Goodnight...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Animation made in realtime ONLY WITH SAND

Wow! This is some Hungarian guy doing a show at a Korean animation festival. He's using Sand to make animation in REAL TIME. Freakishly beautiful!

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Friday, September 23, 2005

The Greatest Toy Collection... Ever.

Check out this guy's toy collection. It is possibly the greatest individual toy collection of action figures, models, etc... I have ever seen.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hot Photo TA

I'm being called the "hot photo TA" by some of my students apparently. This has been confirmed by three sources. This has been overheard at the local bookstore, discussed in class, and discussed with faculty.

Who ever would have thought that I was hot?

I feel weird standing in front of class now. My students; looking at me like a piece of meat. Every time I bend over now, I think my ass is getting looked over. Damn.

It's flattering, but at the same time, it's strange. Maybe it has to do with the whole "power" thing in that I'm their instructor. Who knows? I just thought I would share that.

Dan Rhine... the hot photo TA... hmmm...

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Nick Martin had a party last night as his place for all of the VPA grad students. It was a good ol' time. Esteban was DJing, with his Latin rhythm. I'm going to have to get some music from him. At first, there was only a few of us, but people slowly started to show up and things got going. Dancing, drinking, food, the whole works.

Nien and I walked over there and back. He only lives over on 6th street, so it was about a 20 minute walk; not too bad. We left a little early and the party was still raging.

I spent a good part of the day getting some stuff done. I went and saw Mom this morning and then came back here and did some work on my computer. You may have noticed the new look of my blog. Yeah, I changed it. Also, I am now using Google Ad-Sense. There are ads on the side. If you click on them, I get money, so feel free to help me out!

My main website is also going to get a little bit of a face lift, I just don't know when yet, maybe next weekend. I also went through my closet and cleaned it out some more. I found a couple of things that were missing, so that's good.

Tomorrow, I am going to be watching football and grading my student's first photo projects. FUN TIMES!... not really...

There's more to be done tomorrow as well, but I'm not sure off the top of my head what it is. I'm not feeling well at the moment. I'm going to take something and head to bed.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Why Atheism?

History and the Development of Science and Scientific Naturalism

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Lot Is Upcoming

I just wanted to let everyone know that there are going to be some serious changes coming to my website. Just a couple of things to note; I'm going to start using WordPress for working on my blog (that way I can keep everything local), there is going to be a complete redesign of both my blog and my website, I have a new webcam that will be integrated into my website, and finally, I started a Flickr account, and I'm going to be using that for both my MOBLOG and my gallery, that way it saves stress on my server and keeps everything nice and organized.

I'm really doing all this to keep everything simple and neat. Right now, my website is based on four different sites, and it makes keeping everything updated a little difficult. With this new strategy, I should be able to keep everything nice, neat, organized, and updated regularly. I hope this transition goes smoothly, but I bet it won't.

This could take a while...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Vanilla Sky

Every time that I watch Vanilla Sky, it really pulls strings in me. A lot of people don't get the real message of the film. It's not about dreaming; it's not about science; and it's not about the risks of the future. It's about love.

The film's message, at least what I see, is about how true love can mean so much to one person that even in death, love is the most important thing in the world. It's a sad movie...

It's sad because, Sofia is the most important thing to him, but as he says in the end, "I'm frozen and you're dead, and I love you." You really feel for him that because of what has happened to him, he can't spend the rest of his life with his true love. That is sad.

I always think about that. The film means a lot to me because, well let's face it, I'm hopeless. Love is important to me, and I would live every moment just to be with the one I love. Even in death, I would want the same thing he had; a never ending dream, spending an eternity with the love of my life.

A lot of people take love and this movie for granted, and that's wrong.

I'm starting to ramble now, but I... I just... this film makes me want... THAT! That love, that feeling... I want MY Sofia...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Best Screen Capture...............EVER!!!!!!

This has got to be one of the best screen captures I have ever seen......

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The 'city' of Louisiana

Video of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann giving an excellent and scathing commentary on government response to hurricane Katrina.

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I have the ability to REALLY piss myself off sometimes. I hate not being able to control the world...

I know that sounds like I want to be a dictator or something, but don't take it that way. There are small little things in life that we, as humans, cannot change, and it irritates me sometimes when are start thinking of the aforementioned "little things." These little things IRK me, and I can't stand it. I want to hit a wall and scream out loud.

Stupid, stupid little things...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You Have To Be Kidding Me

Sometimes things happen that you simply CANNOT believe. I am in shock right now. It's almost crazy. What can come out of the most random things is unbelievable. I'm sitting here, with one of the worst headaches of my life, trying to pass the time until my Excedrin kicks in, just surfing the web, and I come across something that I wouldn't even think about in a million years...

Maybe fate is just a series of coincidences...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sick Sick Boy

So I've been sick the entire weekend. Not fun at all. I think I'm just getting better today, which is the last day of break. Tomorrow I have to start back to class. My students seem to be coming along, but I'm having trouble with my Tues/Thur class because there are TWO classes going on at the same time, which means my students only get half of their time in the lab. That sucks for me because I have to come up with busy work for the other part of the time. I don't like NOT being in the lab. I work best with the students when they can be printing. I'm not good at lecture, my strength comes from demonstration. Once things get going, it should be ok, but right now it's a little annoying.

I haven't been sleeping well either. I wake up at all times of the night. I've been having nightmares and bad dreams non-stop for the last week or so. I'm starting to miss sleep. There's a lot on my mind, and I think that's what making sleeping so difficult. I'm sorry if my thoughts seem a little erratic, but I AM still sick. I started this entry earlier in the day, and I'm only now finishing it (like 6 hours later).

I don't know... there's so much right now I want to write and type, but I can't think of the words to say it. This cold is clogging my head. I can't remember if it's "starve a fever, feed a cold" or vice versa. I could look it up, but where's the fun in that.

This will be an easy week for the most part. Just one class tomorrow, and one class on Wednesday. Thursday will be the same. This weekend there is several things going on. Friday, I might be going to a party. Saturday, my grad advisor is having a dinner party at her house, so I will be going to that. Sunday will just be another Sunday.

Also, on Saturday, I might be doing a photo shoot with my friend's band. It's going to be a quick shoot because of the dinner party, but I might be able to get some stuff done. The band is called Fare Thee Well. These guys are a death metal band. Yeah... I know. It should be interesting, assuming I'll have the time.

What else is there? That one song by the Killers, "Mr. Brightside"... yeah, I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good song, I just don't like the lyrics.

One Free Minute - Anonymous Public Speech

Call the number, and you are given exactly one free minute of free speech. You're message is played from a 200 watt amplifier and speaker, and also featured on the web for oters to hear.

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22 megapixel camera with built-in 40GB hard drive

the new Hasselblad H2D captures images at 5440 x 4080(22.2MP), has a built-in 40GB hard drive and only costs about $27,000

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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Interesting Weird Facts

4 pages of weird odd and interesting facts as well as links to other pages of facts. has a page of weird facts for every state as well. check it out

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Friday, September 02, 2005


I went out last night with all of the other grad students. We had a hell of a time! What fun! It's good to be back in school and to start meeting new people. It was also a welcomed break from all of the work that has been mounting. Teaching is hard. There is so much to do and remember that you get lost in what you're doing half the time. Then your students just look at you, wondering what to do. I feel stupid in that moment. It's getting better, so that's good. I should have this teaching thing down by next semester... I hope.

Other things... I'm sick right now. I went and bought some cold medicine (which you have to have a driver's license to buy now, btw). I just took some, which will put me to sleep in a few minutes. I want to feel better.

Bruiser is gone. My sister found somebody to take him, so my puppy is no more. :'o(

There is a website where you can find out what song was #1 on the day you were born. I guess there's a saying that states that whatever song was at the top when you were born shapes the rest of your life. My song is J. Geils Band - Centerfold. The song is about this guy's first love turning out to be a centerfold. I've posted the lyrics too.

Does she walk? Does she talk?
Does she come complete?
My homeroom homeroom angel
Always pulled me from my seat

She was pure like snowflakes
No one could ever stain
The memory of my angel
Could never cause me pain

Years go by I'm lookin' through a girly magazine
And there's my homeroom angel on the pages in-between

My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold

Slipped me notes under the desk
While I was thinkin' about her dress
I was shy I turned away
Before she caught my eye

I was shakin' in my shoes
Whenever she flashed those baby-blues
Something had a hold on me
When angel passed close by

Those soft and fuzzy sweaters
Too magical to touch
Too see her in that negligee
Is really just too much

It's okay I understand
This ain't no never-never land
I hope that when this issue's gone
I'll see you when your clothes are on

Take you car, Yes we will
We'll take your car and drive it
We'll take it to a motel room
And take 'em off in private

A part of me has just been ripped
The pages from my mind are stripped
Oh no, I can't deny it
Oh yea, I guess I gotta buy it!

So how does that shape my life? Who knows, but we'll see if that ever happens.

What song shapes your life?