Monday, September 12, 2005

A Lot Is Upcoming

I just wanted to let everyone know that there are going to be some serious changes coming to my website. Just a couple of things to note; I'm going to start using WordPress for working on my blog (that way I can keep everything local), there is going to be a complete redesign of both my blog and my website, I have a new webcam that will be integrated into my website, and finally, I started a Flickr account, and I'm going to be using that for both my MOBLOG and my gallery, that way it saves stress on my server and keeps everything nice and organized.

I'm really doing all this to keep everything simple and neat. Right now, my website is based on four different sites, and it makes keeping everything updated a little difficult. With this new strategy, I should be able to keep everything nice, neat, organized, and updated regularly. I hope this transition goes smoothly, but I bet it won't.

This could take a while...

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