Nick Martin had a party last night as his place for all of the VPA grad students. It was a good ol' time. Esteban was DJing, with his Latin rhythm. I'm going to have to get some music from him. At first, there was only a few of us, but people slowly started to show up and things got going. Dancing, drinking, food, the whole works.
Nien and I walked over there and back. He only lives over on 6th street, so it was about a 20 minute walk; not too bad. We left a little early and the party was still raging.
I spent a good part of the day getting some stuff done. I went and saw Mom this morning and then came back here and did some work on my computer. You may have noticed the new look of my blog. Yeah, I changed it. Also, I am now using Google Ad-Sense. There are ads on the side. If you click on them, I get money, so feel free to help me out!
My main website is also going to get a little bit of a face lift, I just don't know when yet, maybe next weekend. I also went through my closet and cleaned it out some more. I found a couple of things that were missing, so that's good.
Tomorrow, I am going to be watching football and grading my student's first photo projects. FUN TIMES!... not really...
There's more to be done tomorrow as well, but I'm not sure off the top of my head what it is. I'm not feeling well at the moment. I'm going to take something and head to bed.
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