Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm Happy

I'm really tired right now. I spent the last three hours doing some serious cleaning of the gallery space for my installation class. Damn, I'm in pain.

I was driving today, listening to some music when I realized that I'm happy with what I'm doing now. I started thinking back to the whole Muncie thing, and how miserable I was. I look at where I am now, and I'm happy.

I have a job that I like. I'm doing the work that I want to do, making the "art" that I want to make, it's very good right now.

There are always things that I wish were different, but sometimes I can't change that.

I've been working my ass off, more-so then I did in Muncie, and yet I'm happy. It just goes to show how much doing something you enjoy can really make life meaningful.

The post tonight is not going to be as long as the last few have, simply because I am DAMN tired, and I want to go to bed.

Goodnight to you...

1 comment:

nienien said...

got it...but still WIP... wanna change the color and other stuff too...