Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The most amazing christmas light set-up ever!!!

A very cool Christmas light setup. The guy who did this must of had a lot of time on his hands. The music is very good too.


Size: 9MB

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Flip out... Like A Ninja

Cuz that's what ninjas do

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Love Songs

I'm in a strangely good mood, and I think it's because of the music I'm listening to. It's all love songs, and I don't mean that kind of cheap, sappy, pop radio crap; I'm talking REAL love songs. Good music is what that is. It's the kind of music you can sit back and relax to. Funny thing is, and this always seems to be the case, it's on random.

I suddenly realized today that... well... I'm almost done.

I've looked at my schedule, and as far as teaching, I'm done. There isn't anything else new to cover in class. The only thing left to do it going to be grading the final exam and the final portfolio, which I don't think is going to be TOO difficult. And my classes; one more photo shoot should do it for Karen's class, and for Elizabeth's class I only have a couple more papers to write. I kind of feel dumb after writing that post the other day stressing out about all of this stuff, because when I took the time to look at it in perspective, there's not much left.

Sometimes I wish I could write about everything that was happening. There is a lot more to my life then I let on, but some issues are more personal then others, and while I don't mind talking about it, it's something I don't think is appropriate for the ENTIRE world to know. I use to write everything down in a real journal, but that became nothing more then a bitch-fest and I don't know what I was accomplishing there.

At least here, I think I may be doing something...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bloggin' Time

This semester is almost over. Only two more weeks. It's been rough. This whole teaching while taking classes thing is a lot more work then I would have thought it would have been. If it was just classes... fine. Just teaching... fine. But when you combine the two, all of a sudden it's like you have double the work. All kinds of things come up from teaching that you never think about.

Example: study guides.

These things aren't easy to make and of course the students HAVE to have a study guide. It's easy to forget that in being a teacher, you already know everything that you are trying to teach people and your students... don't.

I know things will be easier next semester, even if I am teaching a subject I'm unfamiliar with, just because I will know better how to manage my time. The upcoming break is also must needed. It would be nice to have a day off that is ACTUALLY a day off. There always seems to be something to do.

On to more complaining... I hate winter. I hate snow. We're moving into that time of year and it is not pleasant. I wish it was Fall again (even though it still technically is Fall). I enjoy 65 degree days where there is a nice breeze and only a few clouds in an amazing blue sky. That's gone now and won't return until about next October. Boo.

Is there anything good you ask? Yeah, there is, but I don't want to talk about that...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Anti-cancer Compound In Beer

A micronutrient called xanthohumol is present in beer and according to scientists "is one of the more significant compounds for cancer chemoprevention that we have studied"!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Survey Again

  1. If you could "take back" your virginity from you first partner, would you? No
  2. Would you prefer the lights on or off during sex? Lights, camera, action
  3. Do you judge people solely by their musical preferences? No
  4. Would you make a fool out of yourself in public if it meant you were making your partner laugh? Of course
  5. Would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex for financial reasons? Knowing me, yeah, probably
  6. Do you need to know everything about someone's past? No
  7. It is more worth while and satisfying to improve the world or appreciate the world? Appreciate the world
  8. Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life? I hope so
  9. Do you believe that dreams can be messages from a "higher level"? Yes
  10. Would you rather have a great friend you could share everything with or a great lover you can't really talk to? A great friend
  11. Is the male or female body the closest to perfection? Women are beautiful
  12. Should a child who's caught masturbating be punished? No
  13. Do you like kissing in public? Yes
  14. Do you have a fetish that you would like to employ in your next relationship? Sure
  15. Did America really put a man on the moon? I think so, but there is some strong evidence to say otherwise
  16. Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? Maybe
  17. Generally, in life, what makes you happier? Being with the ones I love
  18. How well do you handle criticism? Pretty well
  19. Would you like to date someone a lot purer than you? Been there, done that
  20. When fooling around with someone, do you sometimes have sexual fantasies about other people? No
  21. Is it possible for full-figured women to be equally attractive as thinner women? Yes
  22. You've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and (s)he's been kind enough to cough up a phone number. How long do you wait to call? 3 days
  23. Do you think the family of a murder victim should have any say in what punishment is given to the murderer? Yes
  24. Would you have a "happy button" installed on your body, connected to your brain, which would instantly make you very happy when pressed? That could be fun
  25. Would you rather know everything about your mate, or be regularly surprised? I'd like to know enough, but surprise is good
  26. We are all human, do you judge someone for a past discretion? Not always
  27. What is sexiest on a woman or a man? Their eyes
  28. Would you rather have your dream job or your soul mate for the rest of your life? My soul mate
  29. Do you consider yourself sexually open minded? Yes
  30. Should your mate also become your best friend? Yes
  31. Would you rather marry a virgin or someone experienced? Probably someone experienced
  32. Have you ever had a true one-night stand? Yes
  33. Have you ever posed as a nude model while someone sketched/painted/photographed you? No
  34. Would you prefer good things happened, or interesting things? I like the good things
  35. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Loved and hopefully not lost...

Your sausage for his iPod...

Came across an iPod on eBay, but the seller is only taking sausage as currency...

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sometime, Somewhere Else

I'm not in the right frame of mind right now. I'm focusing on things that I shouldn't be worrying about. I need to be focusing on work and on school. I have work I should be grading and I have work that I need to be doing for class, but I can't get motivated to do it.

Maybe it's because the end of the semester is near. Maybe it's because Thanksgiving break is just two days away. Maybe is because I haven't been feeling well, but that's no excuse for slacking. Maybe it's because I'm looking for resolve. Maybe it's "photographer's block."

It's frustrating.

Ok, so all of a sudden I'm light-headed and I feel like I'm going to vomit... what the hell? I'm shaking. Where did this come from?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Something For You To Read

I haven't changed my clothes in three days...

I'll probably shower later today (yes, I know it's already 4:30).

Chicago sucked. It was too cold, too far to walk, too many people. We got to the actual presentation 30 minutes before it was suppose to start, and there were NO seats. We ended up having to stand behind a pillar...

I'll say that again, STANDING BEHIND a pillar. I was great HEARING a photographer talk about his work, too bad we couldn't see anything.

After the conference we heading back to the van... only to stop at a coffee shop... randomly... without notice...

You could tell that everyone at this point was just ready to go home, but no, we HAD to get coffee first (and by "we" I mean Karen and Tim). Then, when the bill comes, of course it needs to be separated between 12 people. The guy at the register could only do this on his calculator. This place was not... let's say... "high tech." It took about 15 minutes for everyone to pay their bill, but during this time, Karen and Tim were already out the door and heading to the van, leaving the 10 people still inside paying behind to catch up... in the cold...

I know this doesn't sound all that bad, but when you didn't want to go in the first place, every little thing just makes it worse. To top it all off, I am still in pain from the chest thing, and I forgot to bring my pills.

Pain the whole way home...

We got back at about 12:30 (compared to being home an hour earlier had we not stopped for coffee).

I'm all for being a photographer and a teacher, but really, was this trip even necessary?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So Yeah

I changed hosts for my website, and I'm having some trouble getting it back up and running. In the meantime, my blog is going to be the front page and everything is kind of "offline" until I can get it fixed.

I mean, is it really a big deal? Most people only read my blog anyway, who cares about the rest...


Monday, November 14, 2005

Meditation can boost your gray matter

Meditation alters brain patterns in ways that are likely permanent, scientists have known. But a new study shows key parts of the brain actually get thicker through the practice.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Great Incomes for Artists and Photographers

Photographers and Artists have been starving for a long time, mostly because they do not know how to market - and those that do, well, we hear about them after they die. This site gives Artists and Photographers the chance for good money now instead of waiting - I thought It was great!

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

High School Confidential

  1. Where did you graduate from and what year? William Henry Harrison High School, 2000
  2. Did you have school pride? No
  3. Was your prom a night to remember? No, I didn't go
  4. What was your favorite song you danced to the night of prom? I didn't go, remember
  5. Do you own all four yearbooks? Yes
  6. Do you remember the first CD you ever bought? The first CD I ever got was Aerosmiths's "Big Ones." The first CD I ever bought was Green Day's "Dookie."
  7. What was your favorite movie in highschool? Trainspotting
  8. What was your number one choice college? Purdue University
  9. What radio station did you jam out to in highschool? 95.7 the Rocket
  10. Were you involved in any organizations or clubs? Art Club
  11. What was your favorite class in highschool? Photography
  12. Would you say you've changed a lot since highschool? Yes, definitely
  13. What do you miss the most about it? Absolutely nothing
  14. Your worst memory of highschool? All of it
  15. Did you have a car? Yes
  16. What were your school colors? Orange and blue
  17. Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. Lascowski and Mr. Schilawski, two really hard names to write...
  18. Did you own a cell phone in highschool? No
  19. Did you leave campus for lunch? No
  20. Were you always late to class? No
  21. Did you ever have to stay for Saturday school? No
  22. Did you ever ditch? No
  23. When it comes time for the reunion will you be there? Probably not

Thursday, November 10, 2005


So that's what's wrong with me...

My ribs are messed up, which is messing with my breathing, which is messing with my bronchitis. I went to PUSH today, and they've got me doing a couple of different things. I'm using an inhaler and taking both Zyrtec and ibuprofen. The doctor thinks it should take about 2-3 weeks before my chest starts feeling better, but I got the impression that I am going to have to continue with the inhaler and Zyrtec indefinitely.

Along with that, no physical exercise. I'm not suppose to do any strenuous work because it might re-aggravate whatever caused this in the first place (it's between working on my installation and a viral infection).

So far, I'm not feeling any better. It's still hard to breathe and the inhaler is giving me a headache. I have to go back in two weeks for a checkup and hopefully it will be gone by then.

I don't know what else to say...

UPDATE: I guess this means no personal trainer for about a month.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wasn't There A Post Before This?

I think a post that I wrote is missing. I'm pretty sure I wrote a small post yesterday, but it's gone now. Maybe I didn't save it or perhaps it was a dream. If anyone knows of this mysterious missing post, let me know.

On to other news...

Actually, there isn't much to say. I went to the Merce Cunningham performance last night. It was alright I guess. I started having some back pain right before it started, and I was in pain the whole time, so I wasn't really getting into it.

I came home and couldn't sleep. Too much pain, too much on my mind.

I'm suppose to watch the installation gallery tonight. That is probably not going to be too interesting because I don't think too many people are going to come, but I could be wrong.

I'm in office hours right now. I don't even know why we have to do this because no one ever shows up. It's really a waste of time. I'm thinking about not scheduling hours anymore and just telling my students to set up individuals appointments if they need to see me, that way I'm still accessible, but at the same time I don't have to be here.

This is where I would be typing more if I knew what I wanted to say, but I'm still trying to figure out what's going on and how I am feeling about certain things. I've been one to always go with my gut feeling and try not to think rationally about things. There is always a moral dilemma when thinking rationally. It's not that I don't have morals, but sometimes morals get in the way of doing what feels right.


Monday, November 07, 2005

People Are Outside Screaming

And I'm inside watching football.

It's going to be a long night. I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of nights. I hate that. At least I get a chance to sleep in a little bit tomorrow, although I'll probably be up around 7 or 8, but I doubt I'll sleep well tonight either.

I went in and spoke with someone at the Corec about getting a personal trainer, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it. It costs about $200 for a 9 week program. While I technically have the money, I would like to save a little more before I go ahead and start the program, especially since Christmas is not far away.

I was thinking that I may just wait until next semester to start, but then I'm afraid everyone will come back from the holidays, thinking they need to loose weight, and I really don't want to deal with tons of people being at the Corec. So, I don't know, we'll see how much money I have left after I get my bills paid.


My chest hurts...

It's hard to breathe...

I don't like this...

The Luckiest

Damn you Ben Folds...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Questions With No Answers

I know what I want to write, but I don't know if I should. The title really says it all. I'm at a loss right now.

I want to improve myself. I need to stop drinking. I need to start eating better and exercising. I need to... um... stop doing some other things. I need to start budgeting my money better. I need to start working harder on both my school work and my teaching.

I need a change in my lifestyle.

Why am I saying all this? Well, to quote my friend Earl, "It's Karma. Do good things and good things will happen to you."

I feel that if I want to get the things out of life that I want, I need to start living a better life. That's not to say that I'm not a good person, but I really just want to start living a "healthier" life.

Maybe if I do that, I might just get some answers that I'm looking for...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Eh, I Don't Know, Something Happy-Like

The installation is over!

It's all done, and it seemed like people enjoyed my piece. Awesome!

There was a good turnout, and I thought everything came together pretty well. I say we did a good job. Hooray for us!

As a side note... Who the hell knocks on someone's door at 3:30 in the morning? I'm lying in bed, all nice and cozy like, when I hear a knock at the door. I get up to answer it, but since I have no peep-hole, I have to ask who is there. They don't answer. I ask again, and then I hear them bolt off down the stairs and out the door. Don't know who it was...

That is annoying and pisses me off a little.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Only Time Will Tell


Yeah, I know, I've said that before.

The installation opens tonight at 6:00 pm. I went to the space yesterday to finish setting up my piece when, of course, something went wrong. The projector I was using broke and wouldn't turn on. I had to go swap it out for another one this morning. This projector is HUGE and weighs a lot, so it sucks carrying this thing to campus and back.

When I got back to the space with the new projector, I set everything up, and then the DVD player wouldn't work. I had to run home, grab mine, and use it. That sucks. But everything is set up now and I am done (except I still need to hang my artist statement).

This hasn't been a good week. I am hoping now that since this class is done, things are going to get better. I can rest and not worry so much.

I don't feel like writing this, but I wanted to update. Even though it's done, it's not over until after the opening tonight.

I just want this day to end...