Friday, November 04, 2005

Only Time Will Tell


Yeah, I know, I've said that before.

The installation opens tonight at 6:00 pm. I went to the space yesterday to finish setting up my piece when, of course, something went wrong. The projector I was using broke and wouldn't turn on. I had to go swap it out for another one this morning. This projector is HUGE and weighs a lot, so it sucks carrying this thing to campus and back.

When I got back to the space with the new projector, I set everything up, and then the DVD player wouldn't work. I had to run home, grab mine, and use it. That sucks. But everything is set up now and I am done (except I still need to hang my artist statement).

This hasn't been a good week. I am hoping now that since this class is done, things are going to get better. I can rest and not worry so much.

I don't feel like writing this, but I wanted to update. Even though it's done, it's not over until after the opening tonight.

I just want this day to end...

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