Sunday, May 28, 2006

I Feel the Need To Blog

I didn't like yesterday... too many bad thoughts... played A LOT of Halo...

Today has been slightly better. I went home today and had lunch with the family. Played with Willy for a while... love that dog... ran some errands and now I'm trying to figure out what to eat.

I am also wanting to take pictures right now for some reason. Maybe it's the weather. I mean, it's hot outside, too hot is you ask me, but it's still nice and it could be a good opportunity to take some pictures. Now for the real question; what to take pictures of?

I have no idea. Maybe something will come to me.

I've got my pricing structure set up for my website. I think the prices are fair, but I still want to check with a few people before I commit to them 100%. At least now I have an idea of what to tell people when they ask me how much I charge.

This weekend can't end any faster, can it?

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