Thursday, May 11, 2006

I Hate Credit Card Companies

I think the title says it all.

I went to pay my credit card bill today when I noticed a huge finance charge. I called up the company to find that my interest rate was at 27%. Jesus Christ! I got the run around for a while, trying to figure out why it was so high and how I could get it lowered. About a hour later of being on hold, I finally got the old line "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do for you at this time."

I said "thank you" and told them I would be taking my business elsewhere.

My new credit card has an APR of 10%. Yeah, that's right, 10 FUCKING %. And 0% on balance transfers for the first 12 months.

It's all a big game what these credit card companies do. I really hate having a credit card, but at least now I'm not going to be paying so much out the ass.

Goodbye Providian. It's been... well... shitty...

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