Monday, January 09, 2006

The Future That Was

It's 7:30 in the morning and I'm getting ready for my first day back to school (although, really, it's not much of a first day back).

I'm going in to help Cheryl hang the photo show in the gallery. Tim thinks that it's going to take two days, but who knows? I think the hardest part is going to be agreeing to what goes up and then finding a place for it all. I know from experience that hanging a show can take a while when there is a lot of different people and different work.

After that, I need to talk to Lisa about switching some of my classes. I decided to drop printmaking in favor of an independent study with Cheryl involving video production. I think that will be a lot more fun and useful in my future work.

I do have one class today and that's Elizabeth's critical theory course, which it seems I need to buy a lot of books for. Maybe I'll try and pick those up today. It's a night class, just like the rest of my classes, so I probably won't be done until 9:00. Something that's good though is since I'm not taking printmaking anymore, that gives me more free time to work on the video stuff. woohoo!

Anyway, my schedule plays out like this:
  • Monday: A&D 602 (6:00-9:00 pm)
  • Tuesday: Teaching A&D 106 (7:30-1:20 pm), meet with Cheryl (1:30-2:00 pm)
  • Wednesday: A&D 607 (6:00-9:00 pm)
  • Thursday: Teaching A&D 106 (7:30-1:20 pm)
As you can see, my schedule isn't that bad at all. I always have a three-day weekend, just like last semester. I think I will be meeting with my personal trainer on Monday/Wednesday mornings, but I have yet to here from them about scheduling, so I don't know.

It's now 7:35, and it's time to get in the shower and get ready for this day. Wish my luck...

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