Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm Not Growing Up, I'm Just Burning Out

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

That could go on for a while.

This wasn't the most productive weekend. Yes, I got a lot done, but there is still so much more I need to do. My list, even with things crossed off, hasn't gotten any smaller. In fact, I need to add a few more things to it. I did get my grading done this weekend. That counts for something.

Tonight is the first real meeting of my critical theory class. After doing all the work this weekend, I can say that this class could be tough. Elizabeth has us doing a lot, and even though she says in the syllabus that the workload won't be as much as it was this past week, I don't know if I believe her.

There has been something on my mind now for a couple of weeks, and I think...

I don't know what I think. I think I don't want to think and just do it...

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