It is generally believed that human beings have sex either for pleasure or reproduction. However, the number of people driven with these motivations has been reducing steadily during the recent years. The majority of humans use sex as the most pleasant and available remedy for a whole bouquet of problems.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I Am Boring Myself Just Typing This Out
- Do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water? Start the water before
- Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? No
- Do you moan like the people on the Herbal Essences? No
- Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? No
- Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? No
- Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? No
- Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? Yes
- How old do you look? Younger then I am
- How old do you act? Older then I look
- What's the last song you sang? Lifehouse "Take Me Away"
- Have you recently become a member of anything? Um, I became a teacher
- What are your plans for the weekend? Work on lesson plans
- Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? Closed, but open every once in a while
- What's the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? The booty
- Are you in love with anyone right now? Yes
- Have you ever said I love you? Yes
- Does anything on your body itch right now? No
- What color is the carpet in your bedroom? Brown
- Have you ever had a member of the opposite sex in your room? Yes
- Who's the sexiest famous woman alive? Come back to that one
- Girls: want to touch the hynie? Yes
- Are you more creative alone, or with others? Alone
- Does every family have a crazy uncle or is it just mine? Yes
- Have you ever smuggled anything in to America? No
- Do you end up making a fool of yourself when you try flirting with someone you really like? Yes
- Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? No
- Do you believe that your name fits your personality? I guess
- Do you exercise before you eat in the morning? I should
- Do you live in a city with a good sports team? Yes
- Is it better to be single or in a relationship? In a relationship
- What do you think about the person who responded before you? She's a "lifer"
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Sing it Jack White...
This has been a long week: teaching, taking classes again, lazy sisters, dealing with delivery companies, not to mention other events that have transpired have made this a week to remember, even if I don't want to.
Who thought being a teacher would be hard? I never did (being sarcastic). It's hard teaching beginning photography when I already know everything and I need to realize that my students don't. I feel like I'm going way to fast for them, so I slow down and then I feel like I'm treating them like they are dumb. It's hard finding that balance. It didn't help that one of my classes was canceled because of fumes in the darkroom, so they are now a day behind the other class. Von's didn't have enough books for all of the students either. Yeah, it's been fun.
It is getting better though. I think it's only a matter of everyone getting to know everyone else, and feeling free to ask questions. Monday will be the real test when we process film. If everyone's film comes out properly, that would be great.
MY classes don't seem like they'll be too difficult. That's good. I am a little worried about one class, and it's because a lot of writing is required and I hope I have the time to keep up with that. My "project" classes should be a piece of cake. I think I'm going to work on a couple of projects that I've already developed, now it's just a matter of putting it together.
Week #2 is going to be the real test to how this semester is going to play out. The bullshit is done, now it's time to get on with the meat of class. Am I ready? I sure hope so.
This has been a long week: teaching, taking classes again, lazy sisters, dealing with delivery companies, not to mention other events that have transpired have made this a week to remember, even if I don't want to.
Who thought being a teacher would be hard? I never did (being sarcastic). It's hard teaching beginning photography when I already know everything and I need to realize that my students don't. I feel like I'm going way to fast for them, so I slow down and then I feel like I'm treating them like they are dumb. It's hard finding that balance. It didn't help that one of my classes was canceled because of fumes in the darkroom, so they are now a day behind the other class. Von's didn't have enough books for all of the students either. Yeah, it's been fun.
It is getting better though. I think it's only a matter of everyone getting to know everyone else, and feeling free to ask questions. Monday will be the real test when we process film. If everyone's film comes out properly, that would be great.
MY classes don't seem like they'll be too difficult. That's good. I am a little worried about one class, and it's because a lot of writing is required and I hope I have the time to keep up with that. My "project" classes should be a piece of cake. I think I'm going to work on a couple of projects that I've already developed, now it's just a matter of putting it together.
Week #2 is going to be the real test to how this semester is going to play out. The bullshit is done, now it's time to get on with the meat of class. Am I ready? I sure hope so.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Find Out the Meaning of Your Name
Exactly as the title describes... find out the meaning of your name and the personality profile that goes with it. My name means "God is my judge." That's great... What does yours mean?
ps... only use your first name...
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ps... only use your first name...
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
It's Over...
... and so it goes.
I now know how I feel, and I'm miserable.
I'm depressed.
I'm alone.
Add another broken heart to the checklist.
The worst part is, I should be fighting, but I'm not. I'm sitting here asking myself what good would fighting do? I've been fighting and it hasn't worked, why would it work now? Maybe I wasn't fighting hard enough, maybe this is the time I really NEED to be fighting?
I'm lost and don't know what to do...
I now know how I feel, and I'm miserable.
I'm depressed.
I'm alone.
Add another broken heart to the checklist.
The worst part is, I should be fighting, but I'm not. I'm sitting here asking myself what good would fighting do? I've been fighting and it hasn't worked, why would it work now? Maybe I wasn't fighting hard enough, maybe this is the time I really NEED to be fighting?
I'm lost and don't know what to do...
Monday, August 22, 2005
Of the emotional, mental, and physical kind...
There's a lot going on right now: classes are starting again; I'm teaching, meeting new people; moving to my new place; issues of the heart; issues with money; etc. I'm handling it, but I'm very close to going crazy.
Physically, I'm in pain. My back hasn't been feeling right, and I'm having a hard time being comfortable while I sleep. It doesn't seem to matter what position I'm in, they all hurt. I also have a tooth ache. Thankfully, I have insurance now, so that will take care of a lot of the issues there.
Mentally, I'm worrying a lot. I'm really nervous about teaching. I want to make sure I do everything right and that my students are good. Today was my first class, and let's just say it was rough. I didn't feel comfortable, and I know they could sense it. I said "um" A LOT. I think that if I have a more structured lesson plan, that might help solve it a little. We'll see how that works out tomorrow. I'm not too worried about the classes that I'm taking. School (especially when it's classes that I'm interested in) has never been a problem. I'm confident that I will do well there. I am worried about my time management though. Is it going to be hard dealing with teaching AND taking classes? I can already see myself slacking on one of the two. If I'm focused on class, I'm not thinking about teaching, and if I'm focused on teaching, then class doesn't seem that important. I need to remind myself that I have to be active and keep on top of things. NO PROCRASTINATION!
Emotionally, I'm a mess. It's like a rollercoaster. Everyday is different. I'll be extremely happy and over joyed and then the next day, I'm sad and depressed. Right now I'm depressed. I need some stability in my life. I need to know that at the end of the day, someone is going to be there for me, and right now I'm not sure of that. I feel alone right now (it doesn't help that I AM living alone). I ran into Becca during the graduate convocation on Friday. That brought up a lot of old feelings that I forgot about a long time ago. Seeing her reminded me how much I cared for her, how much I thought I loved her, and how I knew it was never meant to be. I'm sitting here now, and I much as I hate to say it, I see it happening again. The ups and downs, the good and the bad, the love and the torment, it's there again. As much as I want something, I feel I'm never going to have that. It's that one thing in life everyone looks for and can never find. Have I found it? I wish it were so, but that feeling of deja vu is growing stronger, and I can't help but feel like...
I don't know how I feel.
There's a lot going on right now: classes are starting again; I'm teaching, meeting new people; moving to my new place; issues of the heart; issues with money; etc. I'm handling it, but I'm very close to going crazy.
Physically, I'm in pain. My back hasn't been feeling right, and I'm having a hard time being comfortable while I sleep. It doesn't seem to matter what position I'm in, they all hurt. I also have a tooth ache. Thankfully, I have insurance now, so that will take care of a lot of the issues there.
Mentally, I'm worrying a lot. I'm really nervous about teaching. I want to make sure I do everything right and that my students are good. Today was my first class, and let's just say it was rough. I didn't feel comfortable, and I know they could sense it. I said "um" A LOT. I think that if I have a more structured lesson plan, that might help solve it a little. We'll see how that works out tomorrow. I'm not too worried about the classes that I'm taking. School (especially when it's classes that I'm interested in) has never been a problem. I'm confident that I will do well there. I am worried about my time management though. Is it going to be hard dealing with teaching AND taking classes? I can already see myself slacking on one of the two. If I'm focused on class, I'm not thinking about teaching, and if I'm focused on teaching, then class doesn't seem that important. I need to remind myself that I have to be active and keep on top of things. NO PROCRASTINATION!
Emotionally, I'm a mess. It's like a rollercoaster. Everyday is different. I'll be extremely happy and over joyed and then the next day, I'm sad and depressed. Right now I'm depressed. I need some stability in my life. I need to know that at the end of the day, someone is going to be there for me, and right now I'm not sure of that. I feel alone right now (it doesn't help that I AM living alone). I ran into Becca during the graduate convocation on Friday. That brought up a lot of old feelings that I forgot about a long time ago. Seeing her reminded me how much I cared for her, how much I thought I loved her, and how I knew it was never meant to be. I'm sitting here now, and I much as I hate to say it, I see it happening again. The ups and downs, the good and the bad, the love and the torment, it's there again. As much as I want something, I feel I'm never going to have that. It's that one thing in life everyone looks for and can never find. Have I found it? I wish it were so, but that feeling of deja vu is growing stronger, and I can't help but feel like...
I don't know how I feel.
Artist makes actual suitcase bomb for art gallery
A genuine suitcase bomb to be displayed in Brooklyn - the enclosed 4 pounds of TNT can be detonated by calling the cell phone attached to the explosives inside the briefcase.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
40 Things That Only Happen In Movies
All beds have special L-shaped sheets that reach to armpit level on a woman but only up to the waist of the man lying beside her. etc....
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
I've been attacked!
God damn blog bot got me, so now I'm getting SPAM put into my comment pages. Dammit! Just ignore most of the comments, because most of them are just going to be SPAM. I'm going to try and fix the problem, so hopefully I can kill it.
God damn blog bot got me, so now I'm getting SPAM put into my comment pages. Dammit! Just ignore most of the comments, because most of them are just going to be SPAM. I'm going to try and fix the problem, so hopefully I can kill it.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Orientation: Days 3 and 4
Days 3 was a campus wide teaching orientation. We were in the Class of 50 building for most of the morning, then we moved into smaller groups in the Krannert building. We did a lot of exercised about dealing with situations that might come up in the classroom. Nothing special and really boring
Days 4 (today) was pretty much the same thing, except we had to present a 7 minute lecture. I think I did alright; I know I could have done better. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that I need to act like my students know nothing. I need to make sure I explain EVERYTHING to them, even little details that I think are pointless because they might not be to someone in my class.
After everything today, there was a department meeting for photography where we went over the syllabus and what is expected of the other TA's and I; pretty much the same stuff I heard back in May. They gave us a week by week schedule, so I won't be too lost when it comes to planning my classes. I'm the first instructor on Monday, so it's going to be interesting. I don't even have all my keys to the building yet and my office is empty.
The department needs to get their shit together...
Tomorrow is just a reception/meet and greet kind of thing. Afterwards, I'm getting together with the other photo TA to discuss the lesson plan and how we want to work together.
Monday isn't too far away, wish me luck...
Days 4 (today) was pretty much the same thing, except we had to present a 7 minute lecture. I think I did alright; I know I could have done better. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that I need to act like my students know nothing. I need to make sure I explain EVERYTHING to them, even little details that I think are pointless because they might not be to someone in my class.
After everything today, there was a department meeting for photography where we went over the syllabus and what is expected of the other TA's and I; pretty much the same stuff I heard back in May. They gave us a week by week schedule, so I won't be too lost when it comes to planning my classes. I'm the first instructor on Monday, so it's going to be interesting. I don't even have all my keys to the building yet and my office is empty.
The department needs to get their shit together...
Tomorrow is just a reception/meet and greet kind of thing. Afterwards, I'm getting together with the other photo TA to discuss the lesson plan and how we want to work together.
Monday isn't too far away, wish me luck...
Thursday, August 18, 2005
This One Is Actually A Decent Survey
- Using your Current Initials, choose a different name for yourself: David Jacob Riley
- If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why? The 1920's. I really like the whole idea that they were "roaring." It's the jazz era, how couldn't like it?
- If you ran a store, what would you sell/have? Um... I did have a store, and it sold movies, music, and video games.
- What part in a movie would you love to play? The underdog.
- In your opinion, why do people suck? Because people rarely interact on the interpersonal level when in larger groups.
- If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter? A camera.
- What's the oldest article of clothing you own? My blue stripped dress shirt is about 6 years old. That's pretty old I guess.
- What piece of furniture have you replaced the most? My entertainment center.
- What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at? The piano.
- Record, Tape or CD? Vinyl.
- What do you think would be the best concert ever? Nirvana. Unplugged in New York. Yeah, that would have been great.
- What is the best part of your favorite movie(s)? When the guy finally gets the girl at the end. You know it's going to happen, but there is always that moment where it might not.
- What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever? Chocolate. Don't get me wrong, I like chocolate, but there are a lot better things.
- If you were writing out your will, who would you give your music collection to? That's tough...
- If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be? That photography isn't "art" and probably something relating to philosophy.
- Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically? Laura, she sure has some balls (even though she's a woman).
- Most jealous of....intellectually? A lot of people; I'm not that smart.
- What do you collect? Music, video games, movies, comics, bottle caps, photographs, a whole lot more...
- What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed? My turn signal and my rear view mirror... ok, my whole car.
- What do you do when you're home sick? Go home and quickly remember why I left.
- Story behind your username? Driver is my dad's last name, "x" is always cool, and "driverx" was already taken, so I wanted to make sure people knew I was "thereal" one.
- Current Favorite Article of Clothing? My red shirt with navy blue accents.
- Line from the last thing you wrote for someone? "Alright, later."
- A famous person you have met? I can't think of anyone right now, probably some cool photographer.
- Favorite way to waste time? Looking out the window, dreaming of something better.
- Last thing you bought yourself? The last thing that I REALLY bought for myself would probably be my iPod.
5 bucks a gallon for gas? Expert sees it in 2006
If you think all this flirting with $3-a-gallon gas is already a pain in the pocketbook, brace yourself.
Oil expert Craig Smith predicts gas prices will skyrocket next year, jumping to five bucks a gallon.
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Oil expert Craig Smith predicts gas prices will skyrocket next year, jumping to five bucks a gallon.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Graduate Orientation: Day #2
Today was mainly just paper work and getting to know everyone in the department; nothing too important. After the meetings this morning, I met a couple of the grad students in printmaking. We went to lunch at Jakes and discussed a lot of things. Afterwards, Liz (one of the printmaking grads) and I walked over to the KL Art Gallery. Liz recently moved here from Michigan and doesn't really know the area too well. She has this crazy idea about setting up some sort of community art project. I think she's wishing a little too hard, because let's face it, there isn't much of an "art" community in Lafayette. It is getting better, so maybe there's a chance, but who knows...
I told her I'd help.
She wants to set up events where artists can show off their work, have bands playing, and a place where the people of the community can get together and have intelligent conversation. It's a great idea if she and I can get it to work. I think it's more of a pipe-dream, but maybe she has the motivation to really get it off the ground. The hardest part is coming up with the initial funding. Plus, she would like it to be a weekly thing. It's a cool idea, and I hope we can get something going.
It turns out that I have a teaching workshop on Thursday where I have to prepare a 7 minute lecture to give to my peers. I was unaware of this and I'm freaking out a little. An email went out about two weeks ago explaining it, but I must have missed it because today was the first time I have heard of it. I have to spend most of the day tomorrow trying to throw something together. I think what's bothering me more is the fact that I have to start preparing THREE HOUR lectures... starting next week. If I can't handle doing a 7 minute lecture in front of five people, how am I going to do a three hour lecture in front of 15 students?
Can you tell I'm a little nervous?
I told her I'd help.
She wants to set up events where artists can show off their work, have bands playing, and a place where the people of the community can get together and have intelligent conversation. It's a great idea if she and I can get it to work. I think it's more of a pipe-dream, but maybe she has the motivation to really get it off the ground. The hardest part is coming up with the initial funding. Plus, she would like it to be a weekly thing. It's a cool idea, and I hope we can get something going.
It turns out that I have a teaching workshop on Thursday where I have to prepare a 7 minute lecture to give to my peers. I was unaware of this and I'm freaking out a little. An email went out about two weeks ago explaining it, but I must have missed it because today was the first time I have heard of it. I have to spend most of the day tomorrow trying to throw something together. I think what's bothering me more is the fact that I have to start preparing THREE HOUR lectures... starting next week. If I can't handle doing a 7 minute lecture in front of five people, how am I going to do a three hour lecture in front of 15 students?
Can you tell I'm a little nervous?
The Director Who Films My Life
Edward D. Wood, Jr. Your film will be 47% romantic, 25% comedy, 23% complex plot, and a $ 23 million budget. |
Ed Wood will get your film done waaaaay under budget, and will likely make it into a classic film of all time -- for all the wrong reasons. His resume includes classics such as Plan Nine From Outer Space and Glen or Glenda? He's not afraid to tackle controversial topics, and may insist on portraying a transvestite in your film -- even if you've never seen a transvestite before. |
Link: The Director Who Films Your Life Test written by bingomosquito on OkCupid Free Online Dating |
The Body Bouncer
Someone pointed this out to me and I have to share it with the world.
The Body Bouncer
Make sure you watch the video too...
The Body Bouncer
Make sure you watch the video too...
Monday, August 15, 2005
It's been a long weekend... and Monday.
I moved into my new place on Friday and Saturday, then spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday unpacking. I am tired on so many levels. I'm not even close to done yet, there's still a long way to go... who knows when I'll get it all done.
I started my graduate orientation today, and that was boring. It's lectures over EVERYTHING I ALREADY KNOW! Sorry, I wanted to make sure I pointed that out. I have a whole week of this. I also have my teaching assignments finally, so now my week is started to show it's face. I'll have a schedule posted soon so everyone can see where I'm at during the week... just in case you need to find me or something. I'll be in the VPA building about 90% of the time, except for one class... my art history... it's in the Bio-chemical Engineering building (I'll never understand Purdue).
As you can tell, my internet is back up and running. It's through Insight this time instead of Verizon, and let me tell you, it's 10 times faster. Sweet!
I'm still having a problem connecting to my FTP site, so I don't know when I'm going to get a chance and update the site. I'm going to email my host tomorrow and see what's up. I already know what they are going to tell me, but I might as well yell at them anyway.
I think that's all I'm going to write now. Is 8:24 pm too early to go to bed?
I moved into my new place on Friday and Saturday, then spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday unpacking. I am tired on so many levels. I'm not even close to done yet, there's still a long way to go... who knows when I'll get it all done.
I started my graduate orientation today, and that was boring. It's lectures over EVERYTHING I ALREADY KNOW! Sorry, I wanted to make sure I pointed that out. I have a whole week of this. I also have my teaching assignments finally, so now my week is started to show it's face. I'll have a schedule posted soon so everyone can see where I'm at during the week... just in case you need to find me or something. I'll be in the VPA building about 90% of the time, except for one class... my art history... it's in the Bio-chemical Engineering building (I'll never understand Purdue).
As you can tell, my internet is back up and running. It's through Insight this time instead of Verizon, and let me tell you, it's 10 times faster. Sweet!
I'm still having a problem connecting to my FTP site, so I don't know when I'm going to get a chance and update the site. I'm going to email my host tomorrow and see what's up. I already know what they are going to tell me, but I might as well yell at them anyway.
I think that's all I'm going to write now. Is 8:24 pm too early to go to bed?
One Of The Best Ads EVER!
Wow, it's a big ad, an expensive ad, and it better sell some bloooooooooooddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeeeer!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Move
As you may or not may know, I will be moving on Monday, which means I'm busy as hell right now getting things done. I haven't updated my MOBLOG in a while, but I plan on doing that as soon as the move is finished. I'm also having problems connecting to my FTP site, so I can't update my website at the moment, another thing that should be fixed AFTER the move. And finally, my DSL service here at home is going to be shut off in the next couple of days, and I won't be back online until Monday at the earliest, assuming Insight doesn't give me shit. I'll make one last post before everything "goes down" at the end of the week and give you a time frame in which everything should be back up and running. I've got a million things to do next week before classes start that I don't really know what I'm going to do. I've got to get a class website made, start a lesson plan, go over the syllabus again, get the text, move into my office, get payroll going, grad orientation... all this while moving into my new place and getting that all set up.
Plus, I'm not even done with the wedding pictures from two weeks ago.
Next week is going to suck...
Plus, I'm not even done with the wedding pictures from two weeks ago.
Next week is going to suck...
Control Your Dreams With Lucid Dreaming
Ever have a dream and realize "Hey, I'm dreaming"? If you want to fly then you fly. Want to change your location, just think of it and you're there. 1/3 of our life is spent sleeping. Make the most of it.
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Gigapixel Resolution
Graham Flint and Catherine Aves are not your average photographers. The two are currently traveling across the country creating a photographic record of landscapes using a Gigapixel camera that Flint Invented. The Gigapixel project.
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Good Music Monday... Not Today
I'm not doing a "Good Music Monday" today, and probably not next week either. I'm in the process of packing and moving, so my time is stretched a little thin. It will return in a couple of weeks I hope. The next issue is going to be in podcast form and I hope that everything will work out with that.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
This is the camera I want. Yep, that's it. Isn't it pretty? The Canon XL2... and it's a steal for only $5,000... or wait. Damn, I don't have that kind of money...

Make sure you check out the product tour...
So pretty...
EDIT: With financing, it's only $112.50 a month. Hmmm, I MIGHT be able to swing that...
Make sure you check out the product tour...
So pretty...
EDIT: With financing, it's only $112.50 a month. Hmmm, I MIGHT be able to swing that...
Wedding Photos,,, Coming Soon
I finally have the wedding photos done, but I'm having a problem loading them to the server. They will be under the commercial section of my portfolio once they are posted. In the meantime, here are a few that I really like:
Ok, nevermind. I guess since my FTP is down, I can't upload anything as it is. I probably won't even be able to post this. Stupid website, stupid FTP, stupid bugs. Grrrr...
Ok, nevermind. I guess since my FTP is down, I can't upload anything as it is. I probably won't even be able to post this. Stupid website, stupid FTP, stupid bugs. Grrrr...
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I Don't Like Muncie Either
I'm having a hard time getting over what happened in Muncie. That is a time in my life I wish I could just move past and never look back. It's not going to happen like that. Every time that I start to get comfortable, something always comes up to remind me, whether it's hearing something about the store, talking to someone from Muncie, seeing Jason's dad, or knowing someone who has visited the store, it's always something. I'm glad that I'm not there anymore, I really am, but I'm still scared of not knowing what is going to come of that. Am I going to get sued? Will I have to declare bankruptcy? How will that affect school? Would I even be able to continue school? There's a lot of scary thoughts there. One thought that I know that I'm going to deal with later in the year are my taxes.
Because I was still an owner of the business for a couple of months, I have to show that on my taxes, which means I am still liable for the business in that time period. I may have to pay out a couple thousand dollars in taxes, which is money that I don't have. I know that I have to pay for our corporate accountant to do my taxes regardless. That alone could cost up to $1,000. I'll have to give her a call near the end of the year. The other thing is that if Jason goes with a different accountant this year, I'll have to ask him for the tax information for the store. I don't think that I can talk to Jason. It's not because I'm scared to talk to him, it's because I know it will just lead to a confrontation; something I don't want to deal with ever again.
Jason is a hard person to talk to. He never listens and always thinks he is right. I know talking to him about anything business related is only going to bring trouble. He's a dick, plain and simple. I'm trying to distance myself from all of that. It's funny, but even some of Jason's "friends" have recently told me they are glad that he isn't around anymore. I know it sounds bad, but I cannot figure out why I was friends with him for so long. I don't know how I got myself into a situation like Muncie. I do know that I'll never do it again...
Because I was still an owner of the business for a couple of months, I have to show that on my taxes, which means I am still liable for the business in that time period. I may have to pay out a couple thousand dollars in taxes, which is money that I don't have. I know that I have to pay for our corporate accountant to do my taxes regardless. That alone could cost up to $1,000. I'll have to give her a call near the end of the year. The other thing is that if Jason goes with a different accountant this year, I'll have to ask him for the tax information for the store. I don't think that I can talk to Jason. It's not because I'm scared to talk to him, it's because I know it will just lead to a confrontation; something I don't want to deal with ever again.
Jason is a hard person to talk to. He never listens and always thinks he is right. I know talking to him about anything business related is only going to bring trouble. He's a dick, plain and simple. I'm trying to distance myself from all of that. It's funny, but even some of Jason's "friends" have recently told me they are glad that he isn't around anymore. I know it sounds bad, but I cannot figure out why I was friends with him for so long. I don't know how I got myself into a situation like Muncie. I do know that I'll never do it again...
Welcome To!
In case you haven't noticed, I have a real website now.
I'm still using Blogger, it's just posting on my website now instead of on Blogger. Everything is still intact, you just have to use a different link now. I've also added site navigation to the side so that you can reach any part of my website at any time. I hope this doesn't mess too many people up. Things are going to continue to improve as I get all the bugs worked out. Let me know what you think!
I'm still using Blogger, it's just posting on my website now instead of on Blogger. Everything is still intact, you just have to use a different link now. I've also added site navigation to the side so that you can reach any part of my website at any time. I hope this doesn't mess too many people up. Things are going to continue to improve as I get all the bugs worked out. Let me know what you think!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Website Update
I have a good portion of my portfolio done on the website. It's pretty much the series that I have already on my computer. There is still a lot of work to be done, but this is a start. Keep checking back as I continue to work on it.
ps... I know the gallery isn't really the greatest looking thing in the world, but it's functional, so I don't really care. One day I'll get around to making something better, but this works for now.
ps... I know the gallery isn't really the greatest looking thing in the world, but it's functional, so I don't really care. One day I'll get around to making something better, but this works for now.
Whose Fish? By Albert Einstein (maybe)
This brainteaser, reportedly written by Einstein is difficult and Einstein said that 98% of the people in the world could not figure it out. Which percentage are you in?
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Feet and Cults
Feet are really disgusting. I'm looking at my feet and going "that's gross." I have hobbit feet. I don't know how anyone could have a foot fetish. There must be some kind of sick, twisted brain cell that tells people "hey, feet are hot and I want to have sex with them and stick them in my mouth." Ahh! Nasty!

Does anyone remember the Polyphonic Spree? They were this band/cult that was kind of popular about a year and a half ago. I was just watching an old episode of Scrubs and they were on. I forgot how scary they were. They are a cult for sure; they all wear white robes, sing really happy music, and have big smiles on their faces. If that doesn't say cult, I don't know what does. The reason I bring it up is because I love their music, and I think I would join their cult.
Yes... I WOULD join their cult.
Does anyone remember the Polyphonic Spree? They were this band/cult that was kind of popular about a year and a half ago. I was just watching an old episode of Scrubs and they were on. I forgot how scary they were. They are a cult for sure; they all wear white robes, sing really happy music, and have big smiles on their faces. If that doesn't say cult, I don't know what does. The reason I bring it up is because I love their music, and I think I would join their cult.
Yes... I WOULD join their cult.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
That's the Way I Roll - Another One of THOSE Things
I've edited this one a bit because a lot of the questions have already been answered in previous questionnaires. I don't know why, but I really like filling these things out. I think it gives me a good idea of who I am, and the kind of person I am. It's a self-examination really.
- Name: Daniel James Rhine
- Single or taken: Single
- Sex: Male
- Birthday: February 27, 1982
- Zodiac sign: Pisces
- Siblings: Three half-brothers, two half-sisters
- Hair color: Red
- Eye color: Brown
- Shoe size: 12
- Height: 6'2 1/2"
- Who are your best friends? Don't really have too many friends right now
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I wish
- Where is your favorite place to shop?: Best Buy
- Any tattoos or piercings: No, but I'm thinking about a tattoo
- Do you do drugs?: No, unless you count alcohol
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert Plus
- What are you most scared of?: Dying alone
- Who is the last person that called you? Catharine
- Where do you want to get married?: Wherever the woman wants to get married
- How many buddies are online right now?: 8
- What would you change about yourself?: My luck
- Color: Blue
- Food: Steak and potatoes
- Boy names: Jacob, Nathan
- Girl names: Emily, Chase
- Subjects in school: Photography, Theater, Film, Journalism
- Animals: Dogs
- Sports: Football
- Smoked?: No
- Bungee jumped?: Yes
- Made yourself throw up?: No
- Skinny dipped?: No
- Ever been in love?: Yes, I think so
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No
- Pictured your crush naked?: Yes
- Actually seen your crush naked?: Yes
- Cried when someone died?: Yes
- Lied: Yes
- Fallen for your best friend?: No
- Been rejected?: Yes, too many times
- Rejected someone?: Yes
- Used someone?: Sadly yes
- Done something you regret?: Yes, a couple of big ones too
- Clothes: Shorts, red t-shirt
- Make-up: None
- Smell: Clean
- Favorite movie: Too many to list
- Book you're reading: Nothing
- In CD player: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
- In DVD player: Eurotrip
- Color of toenails: Um, natural
- You hugged: My mom
- You IMed: This girl
- You yelled at: Robin
- You kissed: This girl
- Understanding: Too much
- Open-minded: Yes
- Arrogant: With things I know
- Insecure: Too much again
- Interesting: I think I'm pretty boring
- Random: Sometimes
- Hungry: Yes
- Smart: I don't think so
- Moody: Is depressed a mood?
- Hard working: Yes
- Organized: Yes
- Healthy: Trying to get there
- Shy: I guess, I know I used to be really shy
- Difficult: I don't think so
- Attractive: I think that's a "no" too
- Messy: Not so much
- Obsessed: I have OCD
- In the morning I am: Getting ready for work
- I dream about: People I care about... and sex...
- What do you notice first: Her eyes
- Last person you slow danced with: This girl, kind of
- Makes you smile: This girl makes me smile
- Who has a crush on you: No one
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Yes
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Um, no
- Wish you were younger: A little younger
- Cried because someone said something to you?: No, it's what they didn't say
- Of times I have had my heart broken: Once for sure
- Of hearts I have broken: One or two... sorry
- Of guys I've kissed: Zero
- Of girls I've kissed: 6
- Of tight friends: Refer to the earlier question
- Scars on my body: At least four
- Do you believe in god? Agnostic
- What was the last film you saw at the movies?: Batman Begins
- Favorite Disney movie?: The Emperor's New Groove
- What did you have for breakfast this morning?: An apple
- Who would you love being locked in a room with?: This girl
- Could you live without your computer?: Probably not
- Would you color your hair?: Done is several times (blonde, black, blue)
- Habla espanol?: Yeah... not so much
- What does your room look like?: Like a room
- Who is your hero? My mother
Monday, August 01, 2005
Good Music Monday: Issue 8

Today we salute the "D," the greatest band on Earth...
Previous Issues:
The Music
Diana Krall
Cary Brothers
Mr. T Experience
Medeski, Martin, and Wood
EDIT: Next week I'm going to be trying something a little different. I think I'm going to start doing this as a podcast, but I've got to get all the audio issue delt with and see if I like the format. It should be interesting.
The Music
Diana Krall
Cary Brothers
Mr. T Experience
Medeski, Martin, and Wood
EDIT: Next week I'm going to be trying something a little different. I think I'm going to start doing this as a podcast, but I've got to get all the audio issue delt with and see if I like the format. It should be interesting.
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