Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Move

As you may or not may know, I will be moving on Monday, which means I'm busy as hell right now getting things done. I haven't updated my MOBLOG in a while, but I plan on doing that as soon as the move is finished. I'm also having problems connecting to my FTP site, so I can't update my website at the moment, another thing that should be fixed AFTER the move. And finally, my DSL service here at home is going to be shut off in the next couple of days, and I won't be back online until Monday at the earliest, assuming Insight doesn't give me shit. I'll make one last post before everything "goes down" at the end of the week and give you a time frame in which everything should be back up and running. I've got a million things to do next week before classes start that I don't really know what I'm going to do. I've got to get a class website made, start a lesson plan, go over the syllabus again, get the text, move into my office, get payroll going, grad orientation... all this while moving into my new place and getting that all set up.

Plus, I'm not even done with the wedding pictures from two weeks ago.


Next week is going to suck...

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