Monday, August 15, 2005


It's been a long weekend... and Monday.

I moved into my new place on Friday and Saturday, then spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday unpacking. I am tired on so many levels. I'm not even close to done yet, there's still a long way to go... who knows when I'll get it all done.

I started my graduate orientation today, and that was boring. It's lectures over EVERYTHING I ALREADY KNOW! Sorry, I wanted to make sure I pointed that out. I have a whole week of this. I also have my teaching assignments finally, so now my week is started to show it's face. I'll have a schedule posted soon so everyone can see where I'm at during the week... just in case you need to find me or something. I'll be in the VPA building about 90% of the time, except for one class... my art history... it's in the Bio-chemical Engineering building (I'll never understand Purdue).

As you can tell, my internet is back up and running. It's through Insight this time instead of Verizon, and let me tell you, it's 10 times faster. Sweet!

I'm still having a problem connecting to my FTP site, so I don't know when I'm going to get a chance and update the site. I'm going to email my host tomorrow and see what's up. I already know what they are going to tell me, but I might as well yell at them anyway.

I think that's all I'm going to write now. Is 8:24 pm too early to go to bed?

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