Tuesday, August 02, 2005

That's the Way I Roll - Another One of THOSE Things

I've edited this one a bit because a lot of the questions have already been answered in previous questionnaires. I don't know why, but I really like filling these things out. I think it gives me a good idea of who I am, and the kind of person I am. It's a self-examination really.

  • Name: Daniel James Rhine
  • Single or taken: Single
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: February 27, 1982
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Siblings: Three half-brothers, two half-sisters
  • Hair color: Red
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Shoe size: 12
  • Height: 6'2 1/2"
  • Who are your best friends? Don't really have too many friends right now
  • Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I wish
  • Where is your favorite place to shop?: Best Buy
  • Any tattoos or piercings: No, but I'm thinking about a tattoo
  • Do you do drugs?: No, unless you count alcohol
  • What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert Plus
  • What are you most scared of?: Dying alone
  • Who is the last person that called you? Catharine
  • Where do you want to get married?: Wherever the woman wants to get married
  • How many buddies are online right now?: 8
  • What would you change about yourself?: My luck
  • Color: Blue
  • Food: Steak and potatoes
  • Boy names: Jacob, Nathan
  • Girl names: Emily, Chase
  • Subjects in school: Photography, Theater, Film, Journalism
  • Animals: Dogs
  • Sports: Football
  • Smoked?: No
  • Bungee jumped?: Yes
  • Made yourself throw up?: No
  • Skinny dipped?: No
  • Ever been in love?: Yes, I think so
  • Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No
  • Pictured your crush naked?: Yes
  • Actually seen your crush naked?: Yes
  • Cried when someone died?: Yes
  • Lied: Yes
  • Fallen for your best friend?: No
  • Been rejected?: Yes, too many times
  • Rejected someone?: Yes
  • Used someone?: Sadly yes
  • Done something you regret?: Yes, a couple of big ones too
  • Clothes: Shorts, red t-shirt
  • Make-up: None
  • Smell: Clean
  • Favorite movie: Too many to list
    Desktop picture:
  • Book you're reading: Nothing
  • In CD player: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
  • In DVD player: Eurotrip
  • Color of toenails: Um, natural
  • You hugged: My mom
  • You IMed: This girl
  • You yelled at: Robin
  • You kissed: This girl
  • Understanding: Too much
  • Open-minded: Yes
  • Arrogant: With things I know
  • Insecure: Too much again
  • Interesting: I think I'm pretty boring
  • Random: Sometimes
  • Hungry: Yes
  • Smart: I don't think so
  • Moody: Is depressed a mood?
  • Hard working: Yes
  • Organized: Yes
  • Healthy: Trying to get there
  • Shy: I guess, I know I used to be really shy
  • Difficult: I don't think so
  • Attractive: I think that's a "no" too
  • Messy: Not so much
  • Obsessed: I have OCD
  • In the morning I am: Getting ready for work
  • I dream about: People I care about... and sex...
  • What do you notice first: Her eyes
  • Last person you slow danced with: This girl, kind of
  • Makes you smile: This girl makes me smile
  • Who has a crush on you: No one
  • Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Yes
  • Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Um, no
  • Wish you were younger: A little younger
  • Cried because someone said something to you?: No, it's what they didn't say
  • Of times I have had my heart broken: Once for sure
  • Of hearts I have broken: One or two... sorry
  • Of guys I've kissed: Zero
  • Of girls I've kissed: 6
  • Of tight friends: Refer to the earlier question
  • Scars on my body: At least four
  • Do you believe in god? Agnostic
  • What was the last film you saw at the movies?: Batman Begins
  • Favorite Disney movie?: The Emperor's New Groove
  • What did you have for breakfast this morning?: An apple
  • Who would you love being locked in a room with?: This girl
  • Could you live without your computer?: Probably not
  • Would you color your hair?: Done is several times (blonde, black, blue)
  • Habla espanol?: Yeah... not so much
  • What does your room look like?: Like a room
  • Who is your hero? My mother

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

# What was the last film you saw at the movies?: Batman Begins

you *need* to see The Devil's Rejects...awesome movie!