Friday, June 30, 2006

Yetisports Olympics

Play the first 5 yetisports games in 1 big game. What's your score?

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Haven't Felt the Need To Write

As you may have noticed, I haven't really written all the much recently. I think it's because I've been in a good mood. :o)

Maybe I only feel the need to write when I'm in not such a good mood; kind of a venue for venting... but back to that good mood thing.

There is something in my life now that I've been missing. This little thing has made all the difference, and now I finally feel like I have a path. School wasn't working, the business in Muncie wasn't right, but now I'm starting to see direction.

There is a studio in Brookston who is looking to bring myself and one other person in to take care of things. It's an interesting proposition (and part of finding that direction). I've kind of been in the process of starting my own studio, but with this opportunity, I would be taking over an existing studio, to a point anyway, and it would give me plenty of experience which could help in the future.

This place needs some work and a more solid direction, but it has a lot of potential.

The one thing that I'm not so sure about is that it would a somewhat of a "commission" job, at least at first, which means that I would most likely need a second job; something that would be guaranteed money. We'll see what happens.

My new apartment is going to be on the third floor. That sucks. But it's a nice apartment with a lot of room, so I'll be happy there, as long as I can afford it.

The job search has kind of slowed down since this opportunity has come up, but I going to start up again hardcore next week.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ten Things Your Supermarket Won't Tell You (Full Story)

"Just like the title says, here are ten ways your supermarket is either aiming to rip you off or potentially messing with your health. Practical information you can use to make wise choices rather than alarmist propaganda. Possibly limited to U.S. supermarkets but still worth reading." (This is the original article.)

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

An Update of Epic Proportions

Not really.

It was a long weekend. I worked 33 hours in three days on about 6 hours of sleep. Not fun. I've finally gotten some rest since then.

I was in Muncie shooting a swim meet. There was something like 1,500+ kids that I had to take pictures. It was a grind. It was non-stop work. From the moment I got there to the moment I left, it was nothing but taking pictures. Each event would start EXACTLY when the last one ended, with no breaks in between. It was really bad when the events were short ones. I would start at one end of the pool, follow the kids down to the end, and then run back to the front of the pool and start again... for hours I did this.

I was so tired at the end of everyday, and the last thing I needed was to drive two hours. But, it's over now and I made a cool $600.


Yesterday I ended up at The Frame Shoppe and I was looking around there and found this vintage 8x10 view camera. It was really interesting and I considered buying it. The price tag on it was $450, but the lady there said she could go down to $350. I almost bought it there on the spot, but I held back because I wanted to do some research before buying. I'm glad I did, because I found out that the camera goes for about $150 on the buyer's market. I called the woman there to see if there was any chance she would go that low, but she told me that she was barely breaking even on it as it was and couldn't do any better. Oh well. I'll keep my eye out for another one. It was a very cool camera.

I've spent most of the day working on my portfolio and getting ready to send out more resumes and go to some of the local photo studios tomorrow, begging for a job.

I'm proud of a lot of the work I've done. I enjoy working on my portfolio. It gives me a sense of achievement.

Here's to my growing portfolio...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Talking Cats

Friday, June 23, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dvorak: the Golden Age of the Internet, enjoy it while you can

"How many people realize that we're living in a golden age, the Golden Age of the Internet? It won't last; golden ages never do. Some of it will remain, but there's evidence that much of it is headed for the trash heap of history." Great article to pass on to non-techie friends about why stuff like net neutrality matter.

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Record CCD image sensor has 111 million pixels

Dalsa Semiconductor has fabricated an image sensor with more than 111 million pixels. The company claimed that the four inch by four inch charge couple device is the world's highest resolution image sensor.

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Before I Go To Bed

Here is a quick update of things that are happening...
  • I have sent out 53 resumes as of now. I still plan on eventually sending out approx 250. I have gotten some kind of response from 2 places.
  • My car broke. Winona is having some problems. Apparently this is most likely not a major problem; something that can be fixed easily. Hopefully it won't cost too much.
  • I put a hole in the side of my finger while cleaning said car.
  • I am suppose to be shooting a job again in Muncie this weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), but unless this car can handle the drive, I am going to have to cancel the job. That would suck because I would be loosing out on about $600.
  • I was planning on buying a new and better lens for my camera. I was looking at the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L. This is a really nice lens (and expensive) and it would help me out a lot in the types of work I have been doing recently. But now that this car repair has come up, I am probably going to have to hold on until later.
  • My moving date is approaching faster, and I have to find work soon. :o/
  • I like my sister's new dog. He is fun!
  • My broke tooth has been fixed for the time being. It needs a crown, but that is $1,200 I don't have and even if I did, wouldn't want to spend on a freakin' tooth.
  • My website has been getting a ton of hits lately. I don't know where all the traffic is coming from, possibly from the cards I'm sending out, but it's awesome that people are finally seeing my work.
  • Speaking of work, I think I was accidentally sent an email from Purdue about an upcoming show dealing with male "artists" from the Lafayette area. It asks for submissions and there appears to be no selection panel. I may have to enter something... ;o)

Used video game stores, what have they ever done for us?

This is raising a good point. When the stores give so little in trade, and sell for so much, why should we care about their business?

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In Case You Haven't Noticed

I've started using YouTube to put videos in my blog. I think it's a good way to break up the normal, "down" tone of my blog. Hope you enjoy it (although, thus far, the videos have been of freaky puppets).

This Is NOT What I Needed To See Before Bed

Giant puppets freak me out! And what's with the music? Dammit...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


This video used to give me nightmares... and I think it still will... damn puppets...

New System to Thwart Unwanted Video and Still Digital Photography

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have completed a prototype device that can block digital-camera function in a given area. Commercial versions of the technology could be used to stymie unwanted use of video or still cameras.

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Saturday, June 17, 2006


I wish it wasn't so hot outside; it would be a good night to have a few drinks and cook out on the grill. It probably won't be so bad come 9:00 o'clock or so... now I just need to get a grill (thinking about it).

It is pretty good weather, and some of the stuff that has been on my mind is finally feeling lighter. That's good.

So yeah, things should not close at noon on Saturdays... just a suggestion...

I Love You

Friday, June 16, 2006

Half Way To 666

I've grown up. I am an adult now. I've slowly started to notice this change in me, especially since I started teaching. It's different being an adult, granted I've always been more mature then most people my age, but it didn't really hit me until just a little while ago. I was driving around on campus, and all the girls were dressed up, going to the Cactus and there were a bunch of drunk frat guys at McDonalds, doing stupid shit, and I realized that those people have no idea what is in store for them in just a couple of years.

Sure, you are suppose to have fun in college, but at the same time, college is suppose to be the time in your life where you prepare yourself for the real world, and I think a lot of college students take that for granted now. Hell, I honestly believe that the majority of Americans who go to college only go for the socialization aspect. Case in point, just look at my students. They were all primarily lazy, never wanted to work, and when they did it was mediocre. No ma...

Lost my train of thought...

My jaw hurts by the way. Needles in the mouth; never a fun thing.

Alright, that's it for me. Goodnight...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

OMG! That Is So Awesome!

I just got a call from a woman looking for a wedding photographer. She said that a friend of hers gave her my card. OMG! I have no idea how that happened, but how sweet is that? All of a sudden I feel like a real photographer. Granted, the woman was just looking for information, but this is the first step in having a studio a reality.


I can see things starting to come together. It's good to be a photographer...

No Sleep and Weird Dreams

Sleep is a precious thing when you don't get it... ever.

Got a lot on my mind, so I know that's one of the causes of the "no-sleep" thing happening. I'm feeling a lot better about the job search thing now. I got a call yesterday about one of the resumes that I sent out. Sweet. They are having me to a test shoot Friday night at some club taking pictures of perspective Playboy models... I think (I'm a little fuzzy on the details at the moment).

More photo jobs mean more money which means a greater chance that I get to move into my new apartment in August. That's great. I know that just a couple jobs here or there doesn't mean anything about stable income, but at least I'm getting work, which gives me hope for finding something more long term.

I'm going to the dentist today to get this tooth fixed (stupid Kellogs diet bars). I think it's quite funny that the money I'm making from this study if going to be what pays to get my tooth fixed. I still think I should sue Kellogs, even if I did sign a waiver...

Ok, I'm going to try and get a little sleep before I ACTUALLY have to wake up and start the day; more resumes going out...



I forgot to tell you all about the dream I just had.

I was a doctor... and it was weird.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This next month and a half has me scared. I don't have a job and I have no prospects. I don't have enough money to live off of until that happens. I really want to move into this new apartment, but I can't do it without a job. I don't want to go back to living with Robin either. I don't know what I'm going to do...

I can already see bills piling up. These fucking student loans are going to kill me, even with a job. I'm figuring that I need to make at least $12 an hour to be able to live in an apartment, feed myself, and pay my bills; more if I'm going to work out of town. I don't know that I'm going to find a place willing to pay that amount to me, at least not here. If I go anywhere else, chances are the cost of living goes up too, plus I have a few little reasons for wanting to stay here.

I'm trying to do this one day at a time, but time is moving fast and I have to get my ass moving. I'm just hoping no more bullshit pops up and messes with my plans.

Tomorrow... resumes HAVE to go out!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Random Thoughts

  • "How I Met Your Mother" could be one of my new favorite shows...
  • Identity theft sucks. I hate you Lynn Foerster...
  • Breaking a tooth on diet food sucks. Damn you Kellogs...
  • Why is Doritos bringing back the American version of Godzilla?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Trying To Find Work

I've been working on getting resumes and portfolios to send out this last week, and it looks like when all is said and done, I will have sent out over 200 resumes.

How sad would it be if I don't get a single call back? I'm trying to think that way, but it is a real possibility. Finding work is a hard thing to do right now, especially in specialized jobs (e.g. photographers). I'm sending out resumes to just about any place that might need a photographer. Of course, I'm hitting the studios, but I'm also looking into modeling and talent agencies, newspapers, advertising agencies, labs, and even supply and equipment stores. Here's to hoping I get a nibble...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Rant

Two things are bothering me.

One: Who the hell brings a child less then 10 years old into an "R" rated movie? I went to see the remake of the Omen yesterday, and two parents come in a sit next to me with their young daughter. WTF? There were a couple parts in the film that I could see seriously traumatizing this kid. Damn. I kept looking over at her in disgust that the parents would even think about bringing her with them.

Two: Speaking of young girls... How many more of these child-predators things are they going to do on Dateline? It's all they report on anymore. I'm all for trying to bust people like this, but NBC is just doing this now for ratings. They don't actually care about "saving the kids." One other thing that bothers me about this is that, granted, these people are freaks, but still, they are being tricked into these situations, and I'm pretty sure there are laws against that.


Our current government is really bending the way laws are interpreted anymore. So many of our rights as citizens of this country are being taken away. Examples: it is now mandatory that all cell phones have a GPS system built in. They say its because of safety, but you can't help but think the government forced that law on companies. If they ever need to find somebody, call up the cell phone companies and say "find this person." Not only that, but the government is trying to get laws passed that state that all computers must have a special NSA spyware program installed, that way they can keep track of what everyone is doing online. We are quickly loosing our freedoms as Americans. I am tired of the Bush-controlled government and he needs to get the fuck out of the White House...


So more to add to this... I hate how the media tries to make everything out to be the "worst thing ever." Blah blah blah. It's just another part of the government trying to scare the public into believing the bullshit they are feeding us. Terrorism, the bird flu, MYSPACE... Are any other things REALLY destroying the world. No. In fact (and I've always found this interesting) out government is always trying to force this idea of terrorist living among us here in the US, but the fact is, American is the safest country in the world to live in when it comes from terrorist. You are more likely to get killed because of pollution then by a terrorist. There are many countries in this world where the leading cause of death in the country IS terrorism. Since its so safe here, why are they trying to make it sound like there are terrorist all around us?

Don't Let Congress Ruin The Internet

Tomorrow Congress will attempt to pass a law that abandons the First Amendment of the Internet. Basically, the Internet will be split up into two tiers. This is mainstream medias way of declaring war on independent media. If we don't act now, there will be a difference between 'Free' and 'Open' Internet. The internet needs to be neutral.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm In High School (A MySpace Survey)

  1. How tall are you barefoot? 74 in
  2. Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship? Sadly, yes
  3. Do you own a gun? Nope
  4. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be? Who says I don't have a mental disorder?
  5. How many letters are in your crush's name? 5
  6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only good when sports are involved
  7. What's your favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Song
  8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
  9. Do you do push-ups? Yep
  10. Have you ever done ecstasy? I can't remember
  11. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not technically
  12. Do you like the rain? Yes
  13. Do you own a knife? Yes
  14. What do you smell like? I guess I smell good most of the time
  15. Do you have A.D.D.? Not really
  16. Full initials? DJR
  17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I'm usually pretty empty headed. I like to live in the moment
  18. Name the last 3 things you have bought today. Nothing yet
  19. Name five drinks you regularly drink. Water, orange juice, beer, Gatorade, apple juice
  20. What time did you wake up today? Around 8:00 AM
  21. Can you spell? Nope
  22. Current worry? Finding a job
  23. Current hate? Same thing I've been hating for about a year now
  24. Favorite place to be? With someone I care about
  25. Least favorite place to be? Muncie
  26. Where would you like to go? Europe
  27. Do you own slippers? Nope
  28. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Hopefully married with a family, running a successful photography studio
  29. Do you burn or tan? BURN
  30. Yellow or blue? Blue
  31. Would you give up your current life to be a pirate? Don't think so
  32. Last time your cell rang? A little after 8:00 AM this morning
  33. What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever I feel like
  34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Aliens
  35. What's in your pockets right now? Nothing
  36. Last thing that made you laugh? Probably something funny
  37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Aztec patterned
  38. Worst injury you've ever had? Broken arm
  39. What is your GPA? 3.43
  40. How many TVs do you have in your house? Just the one right now
  41. Who is your loudest friend? My sister, but she's not really my "friend"
  42. Who is your most silent friend? I don't think I know anyone all that silent
  43. Does someone have a crush on you? Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that
  44. Do you wish on stars? I used to
  45. What is your favorite book? Slaughterhouse 5
  46. What song did you last hear? Some Christmas music thing
  47. What song do you want played at your funeral? Don't care to think about that
  48. What were you doing 12AM last night? Hahahahaha... hmmmm... *innocent face*
  49. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I feel good and happy

A Message

I would just like to say that I am happy.

That is all.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Messed Up

My dreams are the weirdest fucking thing. Example:

I'm teaching at Purdue, and yet its slightly ghetto-ified. People I know are students there. There some rich business man type trying to marry this girl who is also being stalked by some L.A. Latino hoodlum kind of guy, all while she's secretly in love with me. She gets rid of the business man type by asking me if I would help her out. I say "sure" and she tells the guy that I'm her boyfriend. He gets pissed and says some shit and then leaves. Ok. So then I'm on my phone, and somehow I tap into this Latino guy's cell phone and I'm listening to his conversation and he's planning some kind of gang war or something because of this girl. I'm walking with this girl and her friend, and we get lost in the underground areas of Purdue, the whole time being followed by the gang. We get outside and it's some kind of eerie crap. The three of us walk for a little while, then somehow end up on bikes. We ride to my place where the friend leaves then the girl and I are about to go into my apartment. As we are walking through the parking lot, I noticed that I'm surrounded by Wild-Fucking-Kingdom's creepiest creatures on Earth. Fuck. They start trying to attack us and we are fighting them off the best we can.

Then I wake up.


The even weirder part is that this dream was two parts, and I can't remember the first part. I can barely remember the first part having to do with moving into my new apartment and meeting this girl, I think.

I think there were ghosts too...

Thursday, June 01, 2006


This has not been a good morning.

It turns out that my student loans do NOT have a grace period, which means that I have to start paying them back now...

I don't have that kind of money just yet. I wasn't planning on payments for that until November, but I guess I need to find work now more then ever.

I spent a good portion of the morning on the phone arguing with somebody in India about these fucking loans. I couldn't understand a word the girl was saying, so I asked to speak with her superior. Talking with him was essentially the same thing. Why the hell do companies outsource their "1-800" numbers to other countries? That is just fucking ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm fucked and need to find work... FAST. If anyone knows of any kind of photography-related job that will pay about $10 per hour at least, please throw it my way. I mean, I still want to start up my own studio here, but that is going to take time.
