Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Before I Go To Bed

Here is a quick update of things that are happening...
  • I have sent out 53 resumes as of now. I still plan on eventually sending out approx 250. I have gotten some kind of response from 2 places.
  • My car broke. Winona is having some problems. Apparently this is most likely not a major problem; something that can be fixed easily. Hopefully it won't cost too much.
  • I put a hole in the side of my finger while cleaning said car.
  • I am suppose to be shooting a job again in Muncie this weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), but unless this car can handle the drive, I am going to have to cancel the job. That would suck because I would be loosing out on about $600.
  • I was planning on buying a new and better lens for my camera. I was looking at the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L. This is a really nice lens (and expensive) and it would help me out a lot in the types of work I have been doing recently. But now that this car repair has come up, I am probably going to have to hold on until later.
  • My moving date is approaching faster, and I have to find work soon. :o/
  • I like my sister's new dog. He is fun!
  • My broke tooth has been fixed for the time being. It needs a crown, but that is $1,200 I don't have and even if I did, wouldn't want to spend on a freakin' tooth.
  • My website has been getting a ton of hits lately. I don't know where all the traffic is coming from, possibly from the cards I'm sending out, but it's awesome that people are finally seeing my work.
  • Speaking of work, I think I was accidentally sent an email from Purdue about an upcoming show dealing with male "artists" from the Lafayette area. It asks for submissions and there appears to be no selection panel. I may have to enter something... ;o)

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