Thursday, June 01, 2006


This has not been a good morning.

It turns out that my student loans do NOT have a grace period, which means that I have to start paying them back now...

I don't have that kind of money just yet. I wasn't planning on payments for that until November, but I guess I need to find work now more then ever.

I spent a good portion of the morning on the phone arguing with somebody in India about these fucking loans. I couldn't understand a word the girl was saying, so I asked to speak with her superior. Talking with him was essentially the same thing. Why the hell do companies outsource their "1-800" numbers to other countries? That is just fucking ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm fucked and need to find work... FAST. If anyone knows of any kind of photography-related job that will pay about $10 per hour at least, please throw it my way. I mean, I still want to start up my own studio here, but that is going to take time.


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