Two things are bothering me.
One: Who the hell brings a child less then 10 years old into an "R" rated movie? I went to see the remake of the Omen yesterday, and two parents come in a sit next to me with their young daughter. WTF? There were a couple parts in the film that I could see seriously traumatizing this kid. Damn. I kept looking over at her in disgust that the parents would even think about bringing her with them.
Two: Speaking of young girls... How many more of these child-predators things are they going to do on Dateline? It's all they report on anymore. I'm all for trying to bust people like this, but NBC is just doing this now for ratings. They don't actually care about "saving the kids." One other thing that bothers me about this is that, granted, these people are freaks, but still, they are being tricked into these situations, and I'm pretty sure there are laws against that.
Our current government is really bending the way laws are interpreted anymore. So many of our rights as citizens of this country are being taken away. Examples: it is now mandatory that all cell phones have a GPS system built in. They say its because of safety, but you can't help but think the government forced that law on companies. If they ever need to find somebody, call up the cell phone companies and say "find this person." Not only that, but the government is trying to get laws passed that state that all computers must have a special NSA spyware program installed, that way they can keep track of what everyone is doing online. We are quickly loosing our freedoms as Americans. I am tired of the Bush-controlled government and he needs to get the fuck out of the White House...
So more to add to this... I hate how the media tries to make everything out to be the "worst thing ever." Blah blah blah. It's just another part of the government trying to scare the public into believing the bullshit they are feeding us. Terrorism, the bird flu, MYSPACE... Are any other things REALLY destroying the world. No. In fact (and I've always found this interesting) out government is always trying to force this idea of terrorist living among us here in the US, but the fact is, American is the safest country in the world to live in when it comes from terrorist. You are more likely to get killed because of pollution then by a terrorist. There are many countries in this world where the leading cause of death in the country IS terrorism. Since its so safe here, why are they trying to make it sound like there are terrorist all around us?
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