Sleep is a precious thing when you don't get it... ever.
Got a lot on my mind, so I know that's one of the causes of the "no-sleep" thing happening. I'm feeling a lot better about the job search thing now. I got a call yesterday about one of the resumes that I sent out. Sweet. They are having me to a test shoot Friday night at some club taking pictures of perspective Playboy models... I think (I'm a little fuzzy on the details at the moment).
More photo jobs mean more money which means a greater chance that I get to move into my new apartment in August. That's great. I know that just a couple jobs here or there doesn't mean anything about stable income, but at least I'm getting work, which gives me hope for finding something more long term.
I'm going to the dentist today to get this tooth fixed (stupid Kellogs diet bars). I think it's quite funny that the money I'm making from this study if going to be what pays to get my tooth fixed. I still think I should sue Kellogs, even if I did sign a waiver...
Ok, I'm going to try and get a little sleep before I ACTUALLY have to wake up and start the day; more resumes going out...
I forgot to tell you all about the dream I just had.
I was a doctor... and it was weird.
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