Saturday, April 16, 2005

Anybody Know A Good Lawyer?

So I did it. I told Jason I was leaving. And guess what... it's going to get ugly. As stated above, does anybody know a good lawyer? I needed a corporate business lawyer and a bankruptcy attorney. You see, because I'm leaving the business, I'm going to have to declare bankruptcy. And, at the same time, I'm going to be fighting Jason in court as he tries to get... oh... I don't know... $80,000 out of me. Yeah, this is going to be fun.

I'll be moving back to Lafayette tomorrow while Jason is here at the store. I guess I should mention that when I did talk with Jason, I caved. I gave in. I know I should have stood my ground, but I'm weak. I'm not a strong enough of a person to deal with this. Basically, here is what Jason had to say about it:
  • "Fuck you, you're staying here and your life means nothing. All I care about it money and myself. I'm not going to close this place and you're going to stay here and do all the work to make this place work. We can hire somebody, but we'll have to pay for them out of our own pocket. This is a business, and it's not going to be easy, and you can't give up. It's smarter to stay open for another two years then to close now and pay rent on a place that we aren't even in. I'm only 23 and I am not going to declare bankruptcy. This business is the both of us, which means if you leave, I'm closing, and I'm going to sue your ass for everything you have. Fuck you and I hope you die."
Granted, he does make some good points, but the simple fact that he doesn't really care what happens to me as long he gets his way is just wrong. I told him that if he decided to close the store, that I would help as much as possible, but he didn't like that answer. He basically told me that I'm not allowed to leave. I am an adult and I can do whatever the fuck I wish. Not only that, but I told him that I am so unhappy here that I was willing to take on the $80,000 of debt if it meant not living here any longer. But this is Jason, so I'll say it again; he only cares about getting his way.

So I caved in. I told him that I would work harder and be "proactive" while I'm here at the store. After we got done talking, I called my sister. She convinced me that I just need to leave, and say "screw Jason." She basically said that if I'm really this unhappy, that staying any longer is just going to make things worse. It's not going to get better no matter how much Jason thinks it will. I know that leaving like I'm going to is going to be REALLY bad, because it's only going to piss him off more, but like I said, I'm weak and I can't confront Jason again. I know if I don't leave now, I'm never going to leave, and that is not an option. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

This summer is going to be bad. Not only am I going to have to find a job to try and start paying my bills again, but I'll have all summer to deal with all the court stuff. According to our accountant, I'm not liable for any of the corporate debt. Jason will probably try and fight me on this. It's not that I don't want to pay him back; I just can't do it right now. Then there is the issue of the lease. It's $2,000 a month. Jason and I are both guarantees on the lease. They'll be coming after us for that money... too bad I'm broke (that's where the bankruptcy comes in). My focus right now is getting my life back on track. Going to school is important to me, and I'm not going to give that up for this fucked up business.

I really appreciate all the support my friends and family have been giving me, and hopefully the continued support you will give to me in the coming months. I know I am doing the right thing for me, but it just feels so bad. I am a horrible person.

I don't have an internet connection at home, so this will probably be the last post for a little while.

So, to recap:
  • Sunday - Move back to Lafayette
  • Monday - Call lawyers, call ADM property management, call Crabtree Photography, close old bank account, open new bank account, look for a job
  • Tuesday - Call accountant, get copy of corporate taxes, look for a job
  • Wednesday - Pray that I make it through all this...

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