Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm Writing

I've written two post today that I have not posted. One, that while funny earlier today, may not be so appropriate at the moment. The other written while I was pissed, at myself of course.

I may post them, I may not.

I went looking at apartments today. I found one that I liked. It's in my price range, it's within walking distance to campus, and it's newer. It is a little smaller then I would like, but it's manageable. I got a call back on another apartment I wanted to look at. On paper, it's cheaper, closer to campus, and bigger then the one I found today. I'm suppose to go look at it tomorrow. I drove by the place tonight just to get and idea. It looks promising. If everything checks out, I may be living there in a month. I'll post some pics later when I have them, for now, I'm going to bed. I've been drinking a little and it's catching up to me. Night.

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