I just wanted to give everyone a quick update about the site. I've added a couple of links to the side. I suggest taking a look.
Digg is a news site that focuses on... what I would call... geek stuff. They have interesting stories on there all the time, and it's fun to check out now and then. Diggnation is a weekly podcast about some of the more interesting stories found on digg during the week. If you don't feel like reading, just give these guys a listen. Fun stuff.
EFF is a group dedicated to keeping our rights in a digital world. Everyday you hear in the news about the goverment trying to "crack down" on freedom of speech and freedom of information through the internet, and these guys are fighting back. We live in a world where anything and everything we want can be accessed online. We can say anything, do anything. This is scary for a lot of people in a position of power because, well, it gives them less. They even want to take away our blogging rights! Don't take crap like this and support our freedom of speech!!!
And finally, I put Penny Arcade up there, because, let's face it... it's funny... at least it is to me!
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