So I guess after the holiday weekend, it's mandatory that I tell you all what happened. Friday night I went biking after a crappy day. Saturday night went out to Jake's. Sunday I went to my friend's place to go over his wedding reception. Monday I sat on my ass. It was pretty uneventful. Besides not going anywhere or doing anything, I did get a lot of house/yard/animal work done. If you check my MOBLOG, you'll see pics from giving the animals baths. Here's a taste...

I saw Batman Begins today, and I must say; not all that great. I was kind of disappointed. It just didn't feel like BATMAN to me. I don't know, everyone else seems to like it, maybe I'm just weird, but I wasn't all that impressed. The reason I'm only seeing it now is because working at Gamestop has certain perks. There were some left over movie passes to see the film from a promotion that the Batman Begins game had. The tickets expired today, so they gave out the left overs to the employees. Cool. We also have a bunch for Fantastic 4, so I might see that one for free too. Good thing, because I have a feeling it's going to be bad.
I went over my finances today, trying to figure out when I can start looking for an apartment. It turns out, that I might actually have enough money saved up to start looking in a couple of weeks. That's good news. I really didn't want to wait until the week before school started to find a place. It's going to be hard enough as it is. This will at least get a little stress off my back for now. w00t!
EDIT: I have moved my entire Live Journal to this site now, so everything is still archived. Also, I couldn't do edits like this on Live Journal... SWEET! :oP
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