Saturday, February 04, 2006

This Is Going To Be A Bad Weekend

So this weekend is going to suck. I know it will...

I've got an entire vidcast to edit and put together, a photography project, and a paper to write, all before Monday. I didn't get any work done yesterday (at least not school work), and I know that if I don't get working today, I won't get anything done either. I also have to find time to grade projects this weekend as well. I already told my students that might not happen, but maybe I can find time.

I was suppose to be in the SPURSE workshop this weekend, but I just didn't have the time. It's alright though, I wasn't HUGELY interested in doing it anyway. I thought it could be fun, but there is another workshop later in the semester and I should be able to participate in that one.

Let's hope this weekend isn't so bad by the end...

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