Saturday, June 11, 2005

Attending A Wedding

So attending a wedding is much better then working a wedding. The main difference... free beer. You can't drink when you're working, but I could drink all I wanted to tonight. In fact, I'm a little buzzed right now. Altought the wedding was fun, my mind was kind of wandering. I was kind of lonely there. I think it had a lot to do with the mood, the weather, and the people around me.

It was a nice wedding, with a good amount of people there. The actual ceremony was kind of long (they kept playing songs during the ceremony), but once the reception got underway, all was good. The food was great, and of course... free beer! I am so sounding like an alcholic...

Anyway, I had to leave kind of early because my friend was getting bored. I would have stayed a little longer, but I still had fun.
ps... you are reading the mood thing correctly...

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