I still think about it, about leaving Muncie and the business. It still gets to me. I dread thinking about the whole situation, but it's there. I keep thinking that I'm going to run into Jason's parents one day while walking on campus. It's a big campus, and probably isn't going to happen, but I still think about it. I left things badly; I know that. There wasn't any other way about it though, I had to get out. Muncie is a bad place. Just going back there makes me sick (as seen last time I was there shooting little league teams). I have such bad memories of that place, and none good. Not even opening the business brings up good thoughts. That place was hell. I still wish Jason the best of luck, because I know he's going to need it to keep that place open...
Now on to happier things, kind of... what do you think of the new color scheme? I didn't really like the old colors, so I tried to come up with my own. I'm not very good at color schemes and such. I better get good though, because I'm probably going to be teaching beginning design in the fall. Ouch.
Just a couple of other things: my MOBLOG has been updated with a couple of new pictures, so give it a look. I also want to suggest a band by the name of Joydrop. They were a good band that kind of fell off the face of the Earth. They had two albums, neither of which sold too well, probably why they're not around anymore. I suggest giving them a listen, if you can even find anything on them. I've got their albums if anyone is ever interested. Finally, I now have my phone all worked out to where I can add custom wallpaper and ringontes to it. I'm going to be giving everyone a custom ringtone (a song of your choice) and a custom picture. So if you have any requests for a ringtone, let me know. It can be any song pretty much, and the same goes for your custom pic.
It's going to be a boring day, so I might update again later, and then later again too. Could be a lot of updating today...
Everyone else... enjoy the day!
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