Monday, March 27, 2006

I Found the Cure To Growing Older

And you're the only place that feels like... home.

I'm in a much better mood today. I think it's going to be a good day, a good couple of days in fact. I feel motivated and ready do to some work. Strange, isn't it? I wonder what could make my feel so much better.

I went through a stack of papers, pulled out all of the pertinent information (i.e. things I've been meaning to take care of) and I'm going to get all this stuff done.

I don't really have class this week, just a lot of meetings. This will be a good week for me to regroup, get ready, and prepare for my review, two weeks from today. I actually have a kind of informal review tomorrow with the photo department, the ones who are actually going to decide whether or not I continue. It's going to be interesting. I do have a lot of meetings this week... damn.

Oh well, it's still better then sitting in class. At least in meetings, I can talk to people one on one. I'm much more comfortable in an interpersonal setting like that.

Here's to getting my act together!

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